I forget, do we have a general HurricaneDitka Pit thread?

Me: And this is why it’s not entirely unreasonable to drive a truck bomb into all of your threads HD.

CMC fnord!

Well, given that JC has it out for me, this may or may not be true.

Yeah, I think we need a sign-up sheet, to ensure that there are always two or three people in that thread to keep the conversation going. Anything that keep’s Hurricane Ditka’s idiocy confined to a single thread is worth pursuing.

And his trolling thread is closed. Good for the mods. With the recent warning and this closing, maybe they’re paying closer attention to HD’s obnoxious trolling.

The thing is that the stupid fucker is dumb enough to freely admit that he gets a kick out of trolling and annoying liberals. That’s why he’s here, and if his outright admission of enjoying “poking them in the eye with a stick” wan’t enough, there are threads like the latest and now closed mobs’n’jobs one which just result in a lot of heat and no real discussion because there’s totally no substance there. What makes him particularly ban-worthy – and I think this is part of the act – is his sanctimonious insistence on “civility” while he trolls and provokes, and no doubt chuckles as other posters get warnings. It’s no wonder that he expressed concern, as noted earlier, about being “next” after the Starving Artist ban.

Yeah, I don’t get that lib owning stuff. I don’t feel owned by his sort, I’m just left with the impression Trump supporters are evil, or stupid, or both. They’re only embarrassing themselves.

The Trump supporters in my personal life are few and far between; do you guys ever meet any who just say something along the lines of “yeah, he’s a real crummy president and a liar, not to mention Putin’s catamite, but I like him anyway because he’s making the scary brown people go away”? At least that would be honest.

It’s also for a lot along the lines of:

Trump Supporter: Thank God we have a president that’s not black anymore.
Everyone else: But the replacement is embarrassingly ignorant, a laughingstock, a dangerous demagogue, and furthermore…
Trump Supporter: What part of NOT BLACK are you not getting?

I guess he hoped for some quality debating from that OP? He should have been warned for trolling.

A while back I came across this thread:

My first response was, “WTF kind of idiot would believe this shit?!” followed by “oh, it’s that dipshit Ditka. No surprise there.” Finally it hit me that that thread was from 2012. 20-fucking-12. So this worthless troll has been dropping big piles all over the boards for at least 6 years now. How he’s managed to avoid the banhammer is beyond me.

President Trump appears to have settled on his closing argument for the 2018 campaign season: “Democrats stomp kittens, Republicans knit mittens”.

Personally, I think it’s rather catchy, and a sadly-accurate reflection of the current state of affairs in American politics, but I’m curious what my fellow Dopers think. Have any of you (I’m particularly curious what the leftists think, but the couple of other conservatives are welcome to opine as well) been turned off by leftist kitten stomping? Even if you personally approve, do you worry that it might be turning off moderates / independent voters? Or do you think this sort of thing will be a great electoral boon for Dems?

I’ve tried to engage him in good faith a few times now. We had some good back and forth in a thread I started about whether Kavanaugh lied. But this latest thread? I’m done with him.

Two things really stood out – one was “Hey, I’m not saying Republicans make more jobs, just that they produce jobs.” Same thing on the “mobs” side.

The second thing that wasn’t called out enough (I think someone called him out before that garbage was closed) was when he was asking for cites from lefties that Republicans produce more mobs. It was his claim that Dems make more (no, wait, he later claimed that wasn’t what he and Trump were claiming, just that they produce mobs), so he should provide the cites. Elections is a debate forum – it’s not MPSIMS. When you make claims, you bring cites, just like I did on the jobs side. Oh yeah, and when he did provide “cites” he just puked up a bunch of links, half of which didn’t even show what he was trying to prove. Which, of course, isn’t relevant to the question of which side produces more mobs.

What a disingenuous asshole. Definitely done with that guy.

Or very trolling.

It’s annoying when people put their sig in the the body of the post so you can’t block it by turning off sigs.

That’s his sig, right?

Ditka is concerned that the fact that a Republican candidate distributed a Christian pamphlet which called for the slaughter of religiously dissident men might just be “played up by the media”:


Got a new goodie:

In replying to a post about a candidate in Washington state whose leaked manifesto, in essence, called for a Christian state, an end to abortion without exception, and an end to gay marriage…and anybody who resisted this could be killed.

Here was His Lordship’s response.

Context. It ain’t just for breakfast anymore, apparently. :rolleyes:

Really? People are that up front about it to your face?

I think I’d be pretty shocked at that.

I know, right?

Well, context is important, so here is some context about this character, Matt Shea, that Ditka is so supportive and fond of (cite for these quotes):

  • Shea objects to being characterized as an “extremist” since it’s just a plain fact that “the United States is ‘a Christian nation’ and his detractors are part of a ‘counter state’ made up of ‘Marxists’ and ‘Islamists’.”

  • Shea embraces far-right conspiracy theories, associates with a fundamentalist religious group in northern Stevens County and champions a push for a 51st state called “Liberty”.

  • His manifesto resembles the work of the Marble Community Fellowship, a Stevens County congregation practicing a strain of fundamentalist Christianity called “dominionism”, and which authored its own document referring to Jews as “anti-Christs” and condemning interracial marriage. And sho’nuff, Shea has been a featured speaker at Marble’s annual Fourth of July God and Country Celebration.

  • Shea visited right-wing activists during their armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Eastern Oregon in 2016. According to one of Shea’s prominent critics, “The goal of these groups has always been to create a white homeland consisting of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Oregon and Washington. The ideas presented in the (biblical war) document are how these groups intend to seize control, by force, should there be a governmental collapse or civil war.”

So, no big deal then. Context is everything, as Ditka says. The “manifesto” was probably just Sunday school notes, as Ditka informs us. That’s probably why the FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Force are now giving this upstanding citizen a close look. It’s that nefarious Sunday school connection. A citizen so fine and upstanding, in fact, that he was allegedly relieved of his weapons while serving in Iraq due to anger management issues, and accused of pulling a gun on another motorist in a road rage incident (cite).

AFAICT, Ditka supports this guy not so much because of a shared ideology, but because he’s more or less a kindred spirit – practically a brother, one might say!

Wow, based on that response I suspect a lot of blatant obvious behavior comes as a shock to you.

Unless of course you really do get this and you’re trying to deflect and thus excuse it.

The only excuse I can think of for the way Republicans behave is oxygen deprivation in the womb.