I forget, do we have a general HurricaneDitka Pit thread?

I wish that motherfucker would get scared and go away again. He’s a bigger baby than his own kid. I hope that sniveling brat ends up being the rebellious sort and grows up to be a flaming Democratic Socialist.

Really, fuck that sanctimonious motherfucker. When he was gone I could actually enjoy the Great Debates forum. If you are reading this, HD, (and I’m onto you, I KNOW you’re reading this, motherfucker! ), just go away. And stay gone this time.

How do we kill that which has no life?

:golf clap:

We could refer the issue to the stake holders.

I just had an exchange with HurricaneDitka in GD which I think shows him at his very stupidest yet.

I won’t argue that Trump “owes” Warren’s charity a million dollars. Lying is his trademark, and most of his oral utterances are too ungrammatical to form enforceable pledges anyway. What impressed me about the speech where Trump asked “Pocahontas” for a DNA test was the way he ranted nothing but childish insults for several minutes. Not one shred of humanity, not a single sentence of fact or non-despicable opinion; just childish insult after insult after insult. A Kindergarten teacher would have written “Little Donnie doesn’t play well with others.” As I wrote in GD, " all I can think is what a nasty despicable pandering hater this peculiar excuse for a human being is. I’m curious what you [Hurricane] think." His response:

I answered with

HurricaneDitka was unable to come up with any evidence whatsoever that Trump’s performance was not “beyond the pale.” I prodded again:

All I got for this was a Mod note (and I thought “mushrooms” offered Ditka a way out! :slight_smile: ), and continued refusal to name any politician even remotely in the same league of blustering insults as Trump:

So: Trump’s rant — which sane observers found astounding even by Trump’s standard — was “typical” for politicians. But Hurricane cannot name a single such typical politician, nor point to a single YouTube.

The next time the “Nominations for Stupidest Doper” thread gets bumped, I know where my vote is going.

IMO he’s more dishonest and actively hateful than just stupid. Not that he’s particularly smart, by my reading of his posts, but I see a lot more dishonesty and hatefulness from his posts than simple stupidity.

Potato, potatoe…

Nazzi, Nahtzi…

I’ll just leave this exchange from mpsims right here.

No surprise to see such misogyny from a gleeful Trump supporter. Remember this the next time he pretends that he actually cares about fighting sexual assault and rape.

Apparently he does not recommend fighting it at all.

I regret ever giving him the benefit of a doubt. What a nasty sack of shit.

Way to paint a target on yourself!

And he got a warning: https://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showpost.php?p=21276850&postcount=24


I’m glad he did. I’m not sure which is worse, the idea that rape depends on how the victim feels the next day, or the idea that the victim may want to compliment her rapist the next day.

I haven’t been around here since the beginning, so I can’t judge the stupidest fucking thread ever. But I’ll bet you this one by HD would be in the running. It’s painful to do, but you’ll really want to read the whole thing.

That might be a quality nominee for the 2018-season Oh, no, you Pitn’t! awards, dedicated to threads which did not go as well as the OP hoped.

Here’s a good summary:

HD: Trump says Republicans Create Jobs, Democrats Create Mobs! I think that’s accurate.
Other folks: But Democrats create plenty of jobs, and Republicans have created plenty of mobs, so why do you think Trump was accurate?
HD: Cite that Trump said Democrats don’t create jobs, or that Republicans don’t create mobs? He’s not comparing them, he’s just making two completely unrelated points in a rhyming slogan, and those unrelated points are clearly accurate.
Other folks: You’ve got to be shitting me.

While I normally advocate for ignoring this particular troll, Dopers have done a good job of cornering HD in the thread linked in #597. Pretty blatant that’s he’s just trolling for reactions, and he’s been correctly called out for it (while still remaining within the rules of Elections).