I forget, do we have a general HurricaneDitka Pit thread?

Y’all can stop beating that “Just don’t respond to him!” drum.
Read this from a mod.

This is pretty much how I see things too. I would much rather see the right wing talking points here than to have to watch Fox.

My bold.

Ignoring him on this message board is NOT the equivalent of “pretending those voters don’t exist.” And “having to deal with them” does not mean endlessly addressing his repetitive non-points and asking him questions that he ignores. This is a discussion board and it’s not a microcosm of the world at large, nor meant to be proportionately representative of the world at large. Many, if not most, of us are already “dealing” with those people in our actual lives in the actual world at large.

It’s obvious that refers to non Pit threads. Not trying to be mean, but were you dropped on your head?

You guys who are actively working to bait posters aren’t very bright discussing your bait tactics in the Pit and other public accessible forums.

Silence. Imbecile.

The subject of this thread is a master baiter and should knock that shit off before he has to change his name to Harry Palms.

See, Czarcasm, that’s how it’s done. Quiksilver is using the right forum to post his ugly message.

How dare you hijack this thread from talking about my incredible successes!


I didn’t want to derail the ATMB thread, but this was too good not to mention. And since that thread is really about HD, this is as good a place as any:

Savage Level 100. Well done, iiandyiiii.

I miss Spice Weasel :frowning:

Silence isn’t ugly!

It’d be savage in its obvious implication if the administrator wasn’t a woman.

No implication meant – I’m really interested in hearing from the women mods/admins. I hope they contribute.

No implication? When you wrote that how many female moderators were active? Zero iirc. So why ask for something you know doesn’t exist?

I thought we had at least a couple (ITD and Ellen Cherry). Did they retire?

There was a bit in a Rachel Maddow monologue that reminded me of HD. Just replace when she says “the president” with “HD”, and “news” with “thread”.

Yes…ITD says so in her member title, and Ellen hasn’t even posted in about a year.

ITA. It creates page after page full of posts that are basically, “Nope, I’m right,” from the Dem/liberal poster and “Nope, I’m right,” from HD, maybe a little wordier than that but really amounts to “nope” “yep” “nope” “yep” over and over again.

I’m so tired of it. I do WISH that after several pages of that back and forth, all parties involved could just agree to disagree. At that point no one’s mind is going to be changed.

I don’t think it works like that. The 30 to 40% aren’t going to change their minds and they regard you as a “liberal elite” who is telling them they’re wrong and hurting their fee-fees and trying to take away their freedom to enjoy the plutocrats’ feet firmly planted on their necks. There may be some whose minds can be changed, but HD seems pretty staunch in his beliefs.

Well then, I guess there’s no point in my reading here anymore if it’s just meant to be full of pages of “yep” “nope” “yep” “nope.”

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to hope that people who are arguing with each other but are never going to change their minds could agree to disagree after a while.

Of course you can still tell people to ignore him(and other trolls) here in The BBQ Pit…and what I am saying is that if this is the only place you can do it, then doing it is fucking useless.