I gave out free hugs today

It was a really good day: I got through the test I’d been staying up all night for okay, the girl who I’d shared my notes with gave me a voucher for Tim Horton’s in thanks, and I was just walking out of the building when I saw them: a bunch of people gathered around on the front steps, holding up “FREE HUGS” signs.

Why? No reason. Just because it’s the last week of school and some people need a hug.

So I joined them, and gave out about twenty, twenty-five hugs all told, and didn’t feel the cold all the way home from school. :smiley:

If I were on a college campus, and I saw a group of people with “FREE HUGS” signs, my first thought would be “Who is this ‘Hugs’, and why has the oppressive establishment wrongly convicted him?”

Kythereia, you’ve seen this, right?

I coulda used a hug today. :frowning:

I’ve seen people give free hugs out in New York. It struck me that I had never charged anyone for a hug before.

You’re confusing this with the “Free Huggy Bear” campaign.

Good for you! The world could use more (non-creepy) public hugging.

What? He’s laid up again? Starsky’s gonna be pissed

Man, usually the people holding those signs on my campus are sketchy looking dudes :frowning:

I wish I could give free hugs without being one seriously sketchy dude :frowning:

(You all get a free hug, of course. No charge.)

Achren, I’ve heard about people giving out free hugs before–and today, people were running up to tell us about Oprah / YouTube / other campuses–but this, as far as I know, was just some people getting together with signs.

Of course, you could take over the world with free hugs… ponders

So, about this free hug…opens arms

Awww. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

What a great idea.

:: hugs everyone in the thread, though not necessarily at the same time ::

I saw two very cute girls doing that in San Francisco earlier this year… but not many folks took them up on it. :frowning:

But my kids did! :smiley:

I ran across some girls giving out free hugs at Broadway Skytrain station in Vancouver a couple of weeks ago. A fair number of people took them up on it, including me. Then I gave my new guy a free hug until the train arrived. :slight_smile:


At GT during finals week some group organizes the “swishy pants brigade” these people wear their swishy pants, the pants which make the swish with every step - they’re made out of nylon I think. So with a dozen or so people during finals week they hit the library at night and walk all over it. This would, of course, cause people to become absolutely irate - however the catch is that they are walking all over the library to distribute candy and goodies to all the stressing students.


Cool stuff Kythereia!

– IG

Points LOUNE in the direction of Honey. Hey, no groping! :stuck_out_tongue:

Two guys were walking down the street yesterday holding a FREE HUGS sign. As they approached me, one asked if I’d like a hug. I declined, and wondered why the offer couldn’t have been extended by a couple of the hot swimsuit-clad females I had passed just a few minutes before…