I had my baby!

For anyone who’s interested, I had my baby last Tuesday, 8:36 am. He was 3140 grams (I think about 6 lbs 14 oz…exactly the same as my first son), 20" long. We named him Henry Gordon (and we’re calling him Harry). He’s doing great and we’re home!

The whole thing was pretty brutal. I went into labor at 11:30 pm on Monday. I had been taking aspirin through the pregnancy because of lupus and had only been off it a few days (my due date wasn’t until the 30th). They weren’t sure I could have an epidural. They had to do blood tests, which took some time. Then, the anaesthesiologist couldn’t get the needle in properly so he called another doctor. By the time he got there, it was really too late. The baby was posterior and got stuck. Heart rate dropped. Decision for an emergency c-section was made. We raced through the hospital corridors (I swear, about 30 people arrived on the scene for the run to the OR). Got there…it was too late and baby was coming. Vacuum was used. 3rd degree tear ensued. Baby was left with dad while I finally got my epidural and stitches were done…two hours of sewing. So, yeah, don’t mess with me.

Now we’re home, doing well. This is actually an easier recovery than my c-section a couple years ago. I’m up and about and just taking ibuprofen and paracetamol for pain. I probably won’t do any pictures on the internet, but he’s really cute and looks like a typical baby.

Hope all the other pregnancies going on around here are doing well!


Did you eat it too?

Ah… I got nothin’.


Congrats! Being that you’re down under did he come out clockwise or anticlockwise? :wink:

Congratulations C3 and welcome Harry!

I was just looking at some baby movies of my son tonight, and, man, has the time flown by. Was he ever that little?

Here’s wishing you a speedy recovery, MommyC.

Hm. Is it C4 now?

Big 'ol congrats, C3! Hurray for new DoperBabies!

Booo for no pics!

Thanks, everyone!

I can’t believe how small he is, either. My oldest looks like a giant to me now…how did he ever get that big?

It’ll still be C3 …my IRL initials haven’t changed :slight_smile: .

May you get 4 continuous hours of sleep sometime in the next 4 months. :slight_smile:

May the gods of diapers and wipes bless your house.

May the titty fairy be gentle.

May the grandmothers bring you peace and serenity.

May your husband learn to dress the child properly and change diapers quickly.

Congratulations!! One of our kids is a Harry so it’s a name that I think is VERY good!

My husband could do all that before me.

I had a cesarean with both kids, and the morning after the first one, babe was screaming his head off in the little bassinet thing that the nurse had moved to the foot of the bed without thinking when dealing with my IV and then had left it there. I staggered out of bed and fumbled down the wall to the bassinet, got one hand on each side of it and then stood there thinking, “Now I need another hand…” I simply could not let go of the bassinet or I’d have fallen over, and as he was well over 8lbs I knew I’d have trouble picking him up from a standing position too.
Luckily a nurse came by at that moment and handed him to me!

My husband did ALL the diapering, rocking and cuddling for the first few days, got rather possesive about it actually! He had a strict way that he thought the babe should be wrapped up, like a little bouquet.

ENJOY these first few weeks, sleep as much as you can, and cuddle that little boy for all you are worth. Enjoy his yummy smell. My “little” boys are nine and five now, and usually smell like sweat these days. I do miss that warm baby back-of-neck smell. Stick your nose in there and have a sniff for me…


And you might want to post pictures in the next few days, or you will anger the masses. :wink:

Yeah, yeah, your bottom’s been through the cheese shredder. Where are the baby pictures???

Sorry about your perineum. It’ll heal.


Congratulations and best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Congratulations. Wishing you a lifetime of joy and happiness with your new family. :slight_smile:

Congratulations- I love Doper babies.

Congratulations! Hope you heal up soon!

Congratulations! Hope you’re back on your feet again soon.

Well done. Another happy little Vegemite. :slight_smile: