I hated Zombieland

  1. Only white people apparently can survive the zombie apocalypse!
  2. The girls exist literally to be a) conniving little bitches who steal from the main characters b) love interests (at least the elder) c) to be rescued by the guys.
  3. Bill Murry appears on screen just long enough for Woody Harrelson to go crazy over him and then to get shot while being an asshole. Which admittedly is probably true to form (and I like Bill Murray)
  4. Jesse Eisenberg is the hero! Who would make this kid a hero? He’s terrible. I am sorry now he is going to be Lex Luthor but he just can’t act. He didn’t change his expression once during the movie.
  5. Jesse gets the girl in the end! Who in their right mind would look at Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg and think…uh let me pick the guy that can barely face up to a clown to get to me as opposed to the guy who is mowing down tons of zombies.
    I fastforwarded through most of the movie. The only thing that was at all worthwhile is Harrelson. Holy crap he was funny, especially in the end where he is mowing down tons of zombies from the rides at Pacific Playland.


…Tell us how you really feel about it?

I loved it. It was everything I want a popcorn flick to be: funny and short. And yes, Woody Harrelson is hilarious. Nut up or shut up.

I loved it. I wind up watching it every time it comes on. Fortunately, it’s a short movie.

It’s not perfect. I’ve remarked before that Wichita and Little Rock’s plan was straight up stupid. You’re going to take two guys with guns who have been dodging the undead into a room with a little girl you say is infected and trust them NOT to immediately say “Holy shit – zombie!” and blow her to pieces before you get the second line of the scam out of your mouth? That’s… uhhh… a great plan? Plus, they did it to steal… guns and a car? In a world littered with abandoned guns and cars? Nice risk versus reward assessment there, darling.

That said, I still think it’s a hella fun movie.

I liked it. Sorry it didn’t work for you. Perhaps you should try watching another movie instead.

Really great movie. Sorry you didn’t like it but, then, you didn’t even watch most of it.

I wasn’t impressed by Zombieland–mostly because of Jesse Eisenberg. He just doesn’t do anything for me.

Zombieland was fantastic. Hilarious. Really well done. I’ve probably watched it 5 or 6 times and I wouldn’t mind seeing it again.

And from all I read, Bill Murray is a great person.

I’m with the OP. “Hated” is a little strong, but this was very much a sub-standard zombie movie. I think the big let down for me was the opening, which seemed to be setting the film up as self-aware about zombie movie rules, like Scream did with slasher movies. Except outside of the opening scene where he talks about cardio, and running in a big circle to get his keys after he dropped them, every character in this movie acts like an utter fucking moron. Which, I know, is almost as much a part of zombie movies as head shots, but Jesus Christ, this film takes it to a while 'nother level. “Hey, Bill Murray! You know what would be a totally awesome prank? Put on your zombie disguise and sneak up on the heavily armed man who’s just spent the last six months slaughtering zombies! What could possibly go wrong?

When I saw the chubby soccer mom flying through the windshield in slow motion I thought ‘this is gonna be good’, and so it was.

Your first two complaints are pure political correctness.

So there weren’t any black people in it? So what? It’s a movie, not a sociology study. And if there was a black character I’d find that ten times more prejudiced because they’d be nothing more than a token. And women being portrayed in a comedy/zombie B-movie as conniving bitches and love interests?!? Stop the presses! And you could just as equally say that they were strong, empowering, self-sufficient grrrl power roles. :rolleyes:

I really, really enjoyed it. And I like Jesse Eisenberg (did you hate “Social Network” as well, then?). So that complaint means nothing to me.

I liked it (and was even pretty fond of the TV pilot), but I’ll admit the way Murray gets killed is sheer stupidity.

And the song “For Whom the Bell Tolls” blasting.

Zombieland was a terrifically entertaining movie.

Often a fair comment about films, but aren’t there only five living people in the whole film (the main four plus BM)? Maybe a couple more. Such a small sample’s bound not to be representative.

Though I always thought the second verse would have been more appropriate to use than the first.

I know I am a little bit irrational about the preponderance of white people in every. single. movie. But it was just another irritation.

But yes, everyone was SO DUMB. I just got done watching the Resident Evil movies, which on the contrary I really enjoyed. (Funny how they managed to incorporate a few nonwhites! But I digress). The dumbest character in that movie was the antagonist (yes, keep on studying that stupid T-virus). But Bill Murray was just fucking dumb and deserved to die.

The thing is, I was looking forward to this movie. I was really hoping I’d like it! Oh well, poo. As you say, there are plenty of other movies out there. :slight_smile:

I never watched Social Network and guaranteed I never will now. That boy cannot act. I almost feel like he’s someone’s nephew or something, that was given starring roles just because.

The opening was so promising…aargh.

How many white people do you see in Bollywood movies? What difference does it make?

Not really a terribly valid comparison I think, the urban U.S. at least being somewhat unusual in its level of diversity. I think Staggerlee’s counter is really much more on point - almost 2/3 of the U.S. is white ( non-Latino ), so if you are only dealing with five survivors its not so odd they’d all end Caucasian. But I get Anaamika’s annoyance as a general thing, we all have our ticks and that isn’t a crazy one.

'course I happen to like the movie just fine, despite agreeing they might as well have not even bothered with the whole Bill Murray schtick. Eisenberg, like his clone Michael Cera, doesn’t have a ton of emotional range. But I think he works okay as the slightly askew straight man if properly cast.

I also like the first Resident Evil film for what it is ( pretty slight, but basically fun video game adaptation ), but I think the sequels were all pretty awful. Horses for courses :).

What difference does it make? None. I love movies and I don’t mind white people in them. And the majority of movies I watch have white leads and lots and lots of white people.

But that doesn’t change the fact that I would like to see more diversity. Who the fuck cares about Bollywood, that’s not my country. My birth country, maybe, but I am an American. And while white people are still the majority, I don’t see any reason why they have to be the default in every case.

There is a thread over in the other part of CS depicting how rarely Charlie Chan has actually been played by an actor of Asian ethnicity. Fact is, Asians just don’t get cast that often. Kung Fu Panda has some Asian characters except the main role is played by fucking Jack Black. He’s a Chinese panda set in Asia but he has to be played by a white person?

I’d like to see more diversity. I don’t want to see a black man on the TV and see an issue made of his blackness. I’d like a black man cast in the same role as a white man and see no difference. Like Will Smith. It can happen, but it seems to be going backwards of late.

I’d like to see an Asian man cast as Spiderman. It will never happen. Or even more mixed race people.

Demographics in the US are changing every single day. White people are only 63% of the population yet they are still cast as the “default” in every movie. Ok, fine, this is life. But it wouldn’t hurt to have black characters in the same roles and not make a big deal out of it, and make women more than conniving bitches.

Ok, I am getting off my soapbox now. I promise you I don’t sit in front of every movie and bitch because there are all white people. :slight_smile: But you asked, and thus I answered!