I’ll start:
worn cargo pants
I’ll start:
worn cargo pants
had anal sex
worn “butt lift” pants…
Been in a Turkish prison.
Worn nothing but applesauce to work.
With the first four posts, I thought we had a theme going there, until **Happy ** broke the chain.
Dropped acid.
Fired a gun.
terminally shot myself…
on a serious note: suicide isn’t cool…
Brendon Small
Parachuted out of a perfectly good airplane
Learned calculus.
Licked my own elbow.
assumed I’ll never do anything
Worn Uggs
Fired a real gun
Bungee jumped
Eaten organ meat
Run naked through the streets of Vienna yelling “I’m a helicopter! I’m a helicopter!”
Had a penis in my mouth.
Voted Conservative.
enjoyed being a bottom