"I have no Soul."

Today I got a random text from an unknown number. They were interested in the Kia Soul I had for sale and wanted to arrange a time to come by and look at it.

I desperately wanted to respond “I’m sorry… I have no Soul.” Or possibly “My Soul is not for sale!”

Don “No Soul” Simmons

So, you’re saying Shoeless was a typo? :smiley:

“No shirt, no shoes, no soul, no sale.”

Just tell it’s souled out!

You soul sucker, you!

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own Soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his Soul?

So you are NOT a Soul Man…

Are you keeping the hamsters?

For those who haven’t had the pleasure.

By the way, I happen to own a Soul, but it’s not for sale. Do you know how hard it is to find a reliable cheap car with a manual transmission these days?