…but I can’t take my break yet.
I’m chained to my phone in a cube farm.
My butt is sweating from sitting in this chair.
Helpdesk is glamorous work.
…but I can’t take my break yet.
I’m chained to my phone in a cube farm.
My butt is sweating from sitting in this chair.
Helpdesk is glamorous work.
So…didja go yet?
Hello from a fellow cube farm worker!
You’re an adult. You should be able to get up and go to the loo whenever you need to. I certainly do. They certainly can’t stop you…
Oh I WENT alright!!
WHAT!!! WHAT are you TALKING about woman!!! Its the NUMBERS… THE NUMBERS! The numbers have to be right!! If I take to much break time… or if my CALLS last to long and DEAR GOD dont go longer then 13 minutes (whether the problem is fixed or not)!!, or THE AFTER CALL TIME THE AFTER CALL TIME! Don’t BREATH! Take another call, and do WHATEVER it takes to get them off the phone as fast as possible because DEAR JESUS the company you work for gets paid BY THE CALL not by the quality or the customer satisfaction!!
THE NUMBERS MAN! If I would Pee it would fuck up the NUMBERS!!!
Damn… I wish this was in the pit.
Oh sorry… I really dont feel as psycotic as I appear. …really… I’m muuuuuch better now.
Just do what I do when I need to pee/smoke/flirt/wander aimlessly…
Log off the phone and reboot the pc. If questioned claim an application froze.
Good thing I’m friends with the tech guys
pee on the phone…you’ll get to pee when you have to (regardless of what Dude-With-Numbers says). Literally on the phone, mind you.
(ignore that…that was ghandi’s evil side coming through)
Your catherization is scheduled for Saturday at 3. You can stay at your desk now.
Be careful with this, as much as we revere scientific innovators around here, you wouldn’t want to have happen to you what happened to Tycho Brae.
It’d be a hell of a MPSIMS story though.
Dude, man! When I gotta pee, I go pee! I don’t give a damn if the helpdesk phone is ringing completely off the desk! See, right now, I have a UTI (I know, TMI) and I gotta go when I gotta go. And holding too long can contribute to UTI’s, too! (Or so they tell me…) Anyway, how much good can you be to the customer of you’re too distracted by your bladder to focus? I know, “the numbers, the numbers…” Well, I get paid by the hour to work Helpdesk calls. Wanna come work with me?