…maybe I missed it. At any rate, here goes:
Q: What is a Zombie’s favorite musical group?
The Marine Corpse Marching Band
…maybe I missed it. At any rate, here goes:
Q: What is a Zombie’s favorite musical group?
The Marine Corpse Marching Band
What sort of pants does a ghost prefer?
Boo Jeans!
A spook’s favorite hockey player?
[spoiler]the ghoulie[/spolier]
What does a ghost chew?
spirit gum
damn gerbils - there was a second one in there
What does a ghost chew?
spirit gum
What do you call a pumpkin before Halloween?
A premature Jack-o-lantern!
[sub]I know it’s old, but so am I.[/sub]
Why couldn’t the witch get pregnant?
Her husband had a Hollow wiener!
How do you unlock the haunted house’s door?
With a skeleton key
What’s a hillbilly’s favorite thing to do on Halloween?
Where do ghosts go on vacation?
what do spirits eat for dinner?
spook-etti & ghoul-ash
why was Casper advised not to gamble?
because he didn’t have a ghost of a chance
Why did his friens advise the Vampire not to try & kick the Blood habit?
Because his efforts would be in vein.
Then there were the two queer ghosts who put the willies up each other
So this woman’s father is sick and tired of the drinking, gambling, out-all-night ne’er do well she married. Comes Halloween, he decides to scare the miscreant into mending his ways.
So the guy dresses up as Satan and when the husband comes staggering home, drunk as a coot, he jumps out from behind a bush and says, “BOO! I’M THE DEVIL!”
The drunk sticks out his hand and says, “Pleashed ta meet ya! Im the guy that married yer daughter!”
What does a ghost say to a bumble bee?
What are used tampons good for?
Teabags for vampires.
What was the score of the Halloween soccer game?
The Mighty Werewolves, eight, and the Trick-or-Treaters, eaten.
If 4 vampires go out drinking their favorite drink, but one orders plasma, what does the waitress bring?
3 bloods and a Blood-Lite
What do you get when you goose a ghost?
A handful of sheet.
what was the demon doing with the pumpkins?
he was a-goblin them up