I just broke a pen

Disappointingly not. The middle piece became more of an inky outpouring.

Gee, I don’t know … you’d be my first, and I’ve always heard that a girl should be picky about her first… :wink:


“Heh?” I can see I’m going to have to work a little harder on my silly jokes… :stuck_out_tongue:

From me? In my current mood? “Heh” is a wellspring of hilarity.

True, true, I forgot the circumstances.

Ok, so, I’ve added you as a friend. And I joined the SDMB community. I’m on a LiveJournal rampage, I tell ya! :smiley:

My pen! My pen! Someone [broke] my pen! The one I do my work with! [/kidsinthehall]

Now I’ve got this vision of crazy Bruce McCulloch chasing after an automobile. Thanks, if6was9!

(And back atcha, Misnomer!)

Me too, please? Search for elenia28…if you like. Or you can e-mail me. I’ll skip linking to it directly, though.