I just spent an afternoon with two women who, out pee-storied me. I am a guy who has been around the world and peed at the base of Everest, off a ski lift on the Continental Divide in a blizzard and almost arrested in San Jose, California for pissing on a tree, but these two young women, half my age, with their getting stuck in a wastebasket peeing in a college classroom and using a mens’ room urinal and slipping in as someone walked in totally beat me.
Feel free to contribute your own, I have been out done. I am deflated.
Considering the long, proud history San Jose has of urine-based adventure, I am disappointed in you. You’re going to have to do better than a little public urination if you’re going to make any kind of mark here.
I have a friend who was in his room, trying to sleep when he heard his assumed to be drunk and asleep roommate get out of bed and proceed to water his keyboard. The next morning said friend awoke to his roommate standing over the keyboard with a bottle of cleaner and a towel muttering “what the…”
I have nothing to contribute to this thread, but a friend of mine has peed out of the back window of a moving bus, as well as straight into the face of a howling wind in the Himalayas. (Note: bad idea.) Another friend has tried to disprove the myth that peeing depends on gravity by peeing while standing on his head. (Note: also bad idea.) My own contribution consists merely of a large number of outdoor micturations, and no more.
I once had to pee in the drawer of a bedside dresser, after going home with a young lady, and only being told at the front door that it was her parent’s home. I must say, the sneaking up the stairs, and the thought of discovery added to my excitement immensely, but it was offset by having to hide in the wardrobe in the morning, while her dad came in to bring her morning cup of tea. That was one surreal experience.