Cool places where you've urinated?

I took a leak off the edge of Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. Surprisingly the amount of visitors to the park has increased dramatically since. :smiley:

So my fellow dopers, tell me some cool places where you’ve relieved yourself?

Onto the Blarney Stone.

Toilets. Yep! The kind that flush, too. I’m a real wild child, I tell ya.


I urinated into someone’s gas tank once. I couldn’t resist! It was just sitting there, calling me…“Urinate…urinate!”.

There was also the minor fact that I hated the guy…

Rocky Mountain National Park. Off a cliff.

Hiked about 2 miles back into the tundra. My bladder full, I prepared to loose the floodgates when I saw, about 150 feet away, a cliff. Something about that cliff called to me. No ordinary urination experience was I about to have. It was…magnificent. Like writing my name in the snow, but from 800 feet up. Watching the yellow stream dissolve into mist on the way down. The true sense of power! My masculine nature sang (grunted?) with joy.

I knew that I have known the thrill of peeing off a cliff that women will never experience. A sobering thought. Perhaps some sort of hose device could help them experience this… Something to ponder.

(Why do I get all poetical on the bathroom threads?)

Off a ledge on the side of a mountain in Colorado. There’s nothing quite like taking a leak at 11’500 feet.

LOL Fenris! doesn’t peeing off a cliff rule! Now peeing on the third rail of the subway…I WOULDN’T KNOW ABOUT THAT!! Nooooo! Why…that would be shocking!! :smiley:

Ah, someone else has urinated in Yosemite! Who would have thought?

Up in Yosemite’s High Country (Tuolumne Meadows) there is a big rock affectionatly known by my family is “Pissin’ Rock”. 'Nuff said.

Also, once going through the Ave. of the Giants (long trail of lovely Redwoods, in N. CA) the whole family had to “go”, and no restroom in sight. Those redwoods are big enough to hide behind, you know!

Or they could do this

One that comes to mind is the sea of Galilee, and the Dead Sea, too.

In my own back yard. Sort of a bonding thing with the dogs.

In milk cartons. (Got milk?) There was a good reason for this, I assure you.

In really alot of different continents. Most of them, I think, except Australia (if that’s a continent.)

RE FENRIS: “Rocky Mountain National Park. Off a cliff. Hiked about 2 miles back into the tundra. My bladder full, I prepared to loose the floodgates when I saw, about 150 feet away, a cliff. Something about that cliff called to me. No ordinary urination experience was I about to have. It was…magnificent. Like writing my name in the snow, but from 800 feet up. Watching the yellow stream dissolve into mist on the way down. The true sense of power! My masculine nature sang (grunted?) with joy…”

Fenris, you are one TWISTED dude! Ever thought of running for Congress, man?

Some different places I’ve urinated:

Times Square in New York City on New Year’s Eve. 5 friends and I had to go, didn’t want to lose our spot, so we got in a circle and just let go!

On the Eiffel Tower, not the concrete base, but climbed the concrete and went on the metal structure

On the Hoover Dam while driving from San Antonio to Las Vegas

In one of the canals of Amsterdam, and numerous alleys in Amsterdam, they don’t seem to care where you go there.


Hey, if it allows women to experience the thrill of Cliff-Peeing, more power to 'em…but her directions sound like she’s trying to teach her vagina to whistle…which, in and of itself would be a good thing, I think.


Replace ‘labia minora’ with lips and you have Papa Fenris trying to teach 5 year old Fenris how to whistle…um…but not vaginally I hasten to add.


I suspect this thread, along with the “Worst Restroom” one have forever barred me from not only elected office, but have forever destroyed my chances of being Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.


Once when my dad and I were driving up a mountain in Melbourne, I really badly needed to pee, so we stopped and I ran behind some trees, squatted and peed. Then I nearly fell backwards OFF the side of the cliff. I can’t imagine being found dead at the bottom of the mountain, bloody, mangled and with my pants down around my ankles.
That’s the last time I pee anywhere near a mountain.

In an alley behind the Louvre. Too much damn coffee, and the museum wasn’t open yet.

Onto a sea lion.

And no, I didn’t know it was there when I started. And no, it wasn’t there by the time I finished.

One from the 'stupid things I did as a kid file’

A couple handfuls of moons ago, A few friends and I decided to dose and camp out on a side trail of the AT. Bulls Bridge trailhead in Kent, Connecticut was about ten minutes from my house at the time. Now, some select few of you can imagine the irresponsible ecstasy of the evening, and can appreciate the mindset we were in. Well, cutting through the antics of the night, the willow-the-wisps came a-calling, and we’d run pell mell from one tree to another, up a bit of the trail to see this lightning bug, down another to catch a glimpse of bats over the river. We’d started when there was plenty of moonlight, but the night wore on, the moon set, and no one really noticed. Who knows what set us off at that moment, but as a group we tare-assed up a trail in the pitch dark until the same collective mentality that mushed us on, brought us to a halt. Silence. Grice turned on his pen light, shines it down in the direction we were running, down a two to three hundred foot drop. Rocks. Nasty, uncomfortable looking suckers they were. We stood there for who knows how long, contemplating the worst case scenario that wasn’t. Robey uttered the only words … “death… man, that’s death down there.”
We were all lost in our own inner space, contemplating this, when the collective muse once again laid her hand on our shoulders.

We pissed on death.

…anywhere I go when I REALLY HAVE TO GO (ie, the imminent alternative is “in my pants”) qualifies as a “cool place”.

Maybe even a “most excellent place” if the emergency is distressing enough.

::handing DRY a good point::