Granted I’m cooler than most Green Day fans because I was already a fan back when 1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours first came out. Yeah they’re younger and hipper but I was there first…
But I’ll also admit that I only saw them live in person for the first time two weeks ago…
I’m sitting here at my laptop with “King for a day” playing nonstop through my head:
♫*Sugar and spice and everything nice wasn’t made for only girls
GI Joe in panty hose is making room for the one and only:
King for a day, princess by dawn.
King for a day in a leather thong.
King for a day, princess by dawn.
Just wait 'til all the guys get a load of me. *♫
Wow it’s so gay but even as a straight man I love it love it love it.
Green Day is sooooooooooo sweet that I want to crap my pants. I can’t believe it sometimes, but I feel it inside my heart. These guys are totally awesome and that’s a fact. Green Day is fast, smooth, cool, strong, powerful, and sweet. I can’t wait to start yoga next year. I love Green Day with all of my body (including my pee pee).
I think I’ll just hop in my 427 Camaro and drive over to my buddy Eleusis’ place, see if he’s out of bed yet. Va-rmmm! Va-rmmm! thuthudthudthud Va-rmmm! Wind down the window, and maybe a little music. Ba-DOOM! Ba-DOOM! Ba-DOOM! Well, here we are, right outside his window. EET! EET! EET! WOOPWOOPWOOPWOOP BLERT! BLERT! BLERT! Heh. All those cubes must have set off the car alarms. Maybe a little “Dixie” on the horn will get his attention. Diddle-ee-dee-diddle-iddle-ee-dee-dee-dee! “Hey, Eleusis! Ya up yet?” Va-rmmm! EET! EET! thudhudthud Ba-DOOM! WOOPWOOPWOOP! Va-rmmm! BLERT! BLERT! BLERT! Ba-DOOM! Ba-DOOM! That’s odd. Maybe I’ll try the horn again.
[QUOTE=Case Sensitive]
I think I’ll just hop in my 427 Camaro and drive over to my buddy Eleusis’ place, see if he’s out of bed yet. Va-rmmm! Va-rmmm! thuthudthudthud Va-rmmm! Wind down the window, and maybe a little music. Ba-DOOM! Ba-DOOM! Ba-DOOM! Well, here we are, right outside his window. EET! EET! EET! WOOPWOOPWOOPWOOP BLERT! BLERT! BLERT! Heh. All those cubes must have set off the car alarms. Maybe a little “Dixie” on the horn will get his attention. Diddle-ee-dee-diddle-iddle-ee-dee-dee-dee! “Hey, Eleusis! Ya up yet?” Va-rmmm! EET! EET! thudhudthud Ba-DOOM! WOOPWOOPWOOP! Va-rmmm! BLERT! BLERT! BLERT! Ba-DOOM! Ba-DOOM! That’s odd. Maybe I’ll try the horn again.[/QUOT
You’re driving in circles, you shit!
If you come by my house one more time, I’m taking out your tires with a 12 gauge!
Yeah because Jaded sounds exactly like Wake Me Up When September Ends which sounds exactly like King for a Day which sounds exactly like Jesus of Suburbia. Maybe you should open your ears before you open your mouth.
:rolleyes: :wally
p.s. Case Sensitive, I wasn’t home.
Was that not a rude thing - to crap in a band appreciation thread? Granted I was drunk when I posted it but what’s the point of being a jerk only for the sake of being a jerk? I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who loves Green Day. What is your favorite band? I’ll bet they either suck the suck or are as old as your daddy’s underwear.
It was obviously meant as a half-joke when I posted it… call it stupid if you must but at least it was half-funny to half the people.
You’ll have to forgive me. I thought it was incoherent rambling followed by a bunch of people referring to your state of inebriation.
In my experience, proper appreciation threads generally involve some lucid and intelligent discussion of why the band is so good, rather than simply an observation that they are “sooooooooooo sweet that I want to crap my pants,” or that you love them with your pee pee.
Maybe you can give me some guidelines for differentiating your sober musings from your drunken ramblings. And learn to take a joke.
I guess it’s my bad that i happen to have missed a single one of the 20 billion or so pages that now comprise the internet. I guess that means i’m not “internet savvy.” You win.