Got an '00 Accord about a year ago. Among other things, the handling and brakes are outstanding.
This morning on the way to work, a 7 year old girl decided to run across the street, against the light, without any warning, right in front of me (perhaps 1/3 of a block).
Well, I hit the brakes, and that Honda stopped so fast it was amazing. What was also nice is how evenly the car stopped. (My old car, a Nissan, would have probably spun at least a little). Anyway, I stopped completely with a good 10 or 20 feet to spare as the little girl trotted to the sidewalk. An old man on the corner gave me a knowing look - I have a feeling that he gave that little girl what for.
Now, I’m sure that something “sporty” would have done better, but all I can say is, for an inexpensive family car, the Accord is pretty darn good.