I met my first Dalek!

Fair enough. I’ve caught a fragment or two of her eponymous The Catherine Tate Show and I certainly feel no desire to seek out any more of it. :smiley:

(So I guess this is a case where her Doctor Who character makes an otherwise intolerable actress OK to me, but I can certainly understand other reactions).

So I got introduced to Captain Jack! He annoyed me at first, especially how hard and fast Rose fell for him, but he rapidly grew on me. He is the perfect foil for the Doctor. This morning I was watching “Bad Wolf”, and he is just hilarious. "“Defabricator. Exactly what it says on the tin.” I haven’t finished it, so don’t spoil the end of it.

Unfortunately I am coming to the end of the Ninth Doctor. It is funny. I started watching Doctor Who because I knew I liked David Tennant, but everyone said I should start with the Ninth Doctor to get the back story (which I am glad I did). But now I like Christopher Eccleston so much that I am reluctant to see him go!

It’s a bit confusing on Wiki - they actually have a great list of Doctor Who serials, but do I need to watch the specials to stay on track? Between the Ninth Doctor and the Tenth Doctor they have two specials listed: “Doctor Who: Children in Need” and “The Christmas Invasion”. Since Doctor Who really seems to have episodic continuity, do I need to watch those to keep up with it? Skimming the plot summaries on Wiki, it looks like I may indeed need to. I hope they have them on instant watch.

I may or may not watch Torchwood, btw. One of the major appeals of this show to me is the Doctor. But it really all depends on whether it’s on instant watch or not.

Ok, I just checked. The seven minute “Children in Need” is online, and the christmas one is attached to the second season, it seems. Awesome!

You won’t miss anything important by skipping the Children In Need special (which was made for charity and only aired in the UK), but The Christmas Invasion, as well as being fairly awesome, introduces at least one important concept that will come home to roost in later series. Most of the Christmas specials are miss-able, otherwise, but are worth watching. Tennant’s season of specials is something else entirely.

I started watching with Eccleston and I loved him and then when they switched him out with Tenet I was annoyed and thought, “no way is this new guy going to be as good as Chris” and well I was wrong. I love them both for different reasons.

I felt the same way when Tenet quit and I thought, “no way is this new guy going to be as good as Eccleston or Tenet.” and now I love Matt Smith too.

They each feel the same but different. It’s weird. I can’t wait for more Smith and the new companion Amy.

Yes, watch the Children in Need clip before Christmas Invasion; it does add a tiny bit to the storyline (i.e. why the TARDIS crashes instead of lands neatly) and it’s sweet.

[quote=“Tengu, post:44, topic:553716”]

I would definitely recommend watching “The Runaway Bride” before beginning the regular run of season 4, since it establishes Donna Noble and most of the funniest bits of ‘Partners in Crime’ would make less sense without it. :slight_smile:

I assuem that’s a joke - anyway, from now on he is Christopher Eggleston in this household! :smiley:

Two of my faves, from Daleks meeting Cybermen:

Cybermen - “Our species are similar though your design is inelegant.”
Dalek - “Daleks have no sense of elegance.”
Cybermen - "This is obvious.


Cybermen Leader: Daleks, be warned. You have declared war upon the Cybermen.
Dalek: This is not war - this is pest control!

Chris Eggleston and David Tenet?

What next, Matt Smythe?

Sorry, Matt Smythe was not in Jude.