I need an old soundcard/speaker driver...

I recently attempted to reinstall all the stuff on my old computer to have an extra tower to play some older games on.

Everything went swell up until I tried to install the sound drivers.

The hardware is somewhat old and I don’t seem to be able to find the drivers I need to make it run:

The specific error I’m getting is: “Cannot play back the audio stream: no audio hardware is available, or the hardware is not responding”

The speakers are on, plugged in and ready to go (nothing has happened to them since last I used them that I know of), so I’m assuming it’s a driver issue

I’m looking for any sort of driver that will fix that problem for
(Speakers) Creative Inspire 4.1 4400
(Sound Card) Philips PSC60X series

I’ve tried doing searches, and simply running “add new hardware” after plugging them in, but it won’t work. It could just be that my google-fu is weak today, but I don’t seem to be able to find the appropriate drivers, and my original install disk is still back at UF, whereas I am now in Fairfax, so that’s rather unfortunate.

Any help is appreciated!

Make yourself a (free, no spam) account on DriverGuide and I can almost guarantee you’ll find what you’re looking for.

Speakers, by the way, don’t require drivers.

Googlecame up with this immediately. This leads to Philips’ download site. The first link indicates that it might be a Compaq driver, so go to HP’s website and plug in the model of computer there.