I like pop music from all eras, Prince, funky music, rock, some rap (not hardcore stuff), a little bit of heavy metal - pretty much everything but country. What have you got that someone like me would enjoy?
Someone like you? :eek:
Do you want new music, or just new to you? I’m a huge Prince fan, and I also like Mary J. Blige (almost all songs on The Breakthrough are good), Mariah Carey (Google Play has The Emancipation of Mimi, which is awesome, for cheap), and Toni Braxton. Lately I have been listening to The Heist, which is kind of funky rap-ish, and that’s new.
Both, please! Well, I guess people wouldn’t know what’s new to me.
I keep throwing this out there because when I discovered them I really liked them. The Sheepdogs, a band from Canada. (Aren’t you from Canada?) Listen to I Don’t Know and go from there. You’d swear they’re from the late '60s, early '70s.
Here Come the Mummies - Terrifying funk from beyond the grave.
If you want some cool jazz, check out Dave Brubeck’s Time Out, possibly the best selling jazz album in history (apparently record keeping was sketchy in the 50s). IMO their best album was Live at Carnegie Hall, which includes arguably the finest drum solo ever recorded, by Joe Morello in Castillian Drums.
Only listened to this one so far (I’ll listen to all of them) - I like it!
[quote=“LC_Strawhouse, post:4, topic:652151”]
Catchy technoish tune from Britain - “Slide Away”
[/QUOTE]That’s not bad; I’ll have to listen a couple more times to see if it grows on me.
You might like The Courteeners- I’ve gotten into them recently.
You can never go wrong with a little (or a lot of) Ke$ha:
Die Young
Your Love is My Drug
I dunno, I’m in a surf rock band. I recently found out that I informed a reasonably musically well-rounded friend of mine that surf rock is even a thing.
So, if you like metal style guitar wankery, meet it’s instrumental dad, Surf Rock!:
Old Stuff:
Look up The Ventures, all of their good stuff is gone from YouTube.
The Chantays
Dick Dale
The Centurians
Newer Stuff:
Man? or Astroman?
(Maybe NSFW, a bad word is written on his shirt, and he says the same) The Mummies
(And I’ll plug a friend’s band, but not mine)The Really Rottens
I had trouble keeping up with new music until I discovered Pandora. Just type in a few songs you already like, and it will throw stuff at you that you don’t even know. And, unlike the radio, you can look at your screen and see the name of the song and the band.
Or click on one of their genre stations, and do the thumb-up, thumb-down thing per indivudual songs to fine-tune the station until it only gives you stuff you like.
The Heavy, a soul/funk band out of Bath, England probably can’t get over recommended and you’ve almost certainly heard some of their music on TV or in movies. I’m usually underwhelmed by late night talk show performances (doesn’t matter who’s performing), but these guys are just downright filthy:
Herethey pretty much blow the roof off of Letterman (and get asked for an encore, supposedly the first time that happened)
Herethey return to Letterman with a new album.
Herethey make Carson Daly worth watching.
Can’t find a good live performance, but thisis my favorite song of theirs.
Ooh, I like that one! “You own a tank top, you own a tank top, you own a tank top…”