I never knew there were so many....

…Chicken Soup books! Working at Walden’s, I’ve had to shelve a zillion of them. CS for the Soul, 1, 2 and 3. CS for the Teenage Soul, 1, 2 and 3. CS for the Elderly. CS at Work. CS for the Mom/Dad. CS for the Baseball Fan, I kid you not. CS for the One-Armed Paperhanger.

Just goes to show, all you have to do is find something that appeals to the greatest (not necessarily lowest) common denominator, and subdivide, subdivide, subdivide. How many more times can that chicken be boiled?

Coming soon…

Chicken soup for the vegetarian’s soul.

I’m waiting for the “Chicken Soup for Chickens” edition.

I’m still surprised that such packaged schlock can be so damned popular…
Wait. I’m not surprised, after all.

Clearly you don’t watch much prime time TV.

Now you see why I hang out in the Pit.

F*cking Chicken Soup for Every Type of Soul you could imagine. And my aunt (with whom I am currently residing since I’m poor and broke) owns most of them.

Where’s the Chicken Soup for the Sykotik Soul book? I could use that…


Is there a “chicken soup for vegiterians” (sp?) ?

I’m serious, I have a few friends who are vegiterians and that would be an ironic gift…

How about Chicken Soup for the Nonexistent Soul?

And then there’s Chicken Soup for Dummies. I think it’s a pop-up book.

I guess for Extra Irony that should be Chicken Soup for the Atheist’s Soul.
I feel like a :wally quoting my own post.

Hey! One of my best friends is a chicken! :frowning:

Um, nope, I don’t. I’m often working around that time.