I Pit damuriajashi and DemonTree

LOL. Yep insecure is how people normally describe me.

And if that is so, you know better than acting stupid so as to try to get another poster on the internet to get upset. You are a failure in more ways than one, and it is not my problem if you do want to continue using “woke” as an insult, it helps many others know what a fool you are for the right wing.

Based on your posts on this site? Oh, yes, very insecure.

And yet you have a mini-aneurism whenever I refer to you as woke. Perhaps i am not insulting you. perhaps i am praising your naive, self congratulatory virtue signalling. lol

For you, the tribe is more important than the ideas. So you are irrelevant. Your position is immutable. It hews perfectly with the woke orthodoxy of your tribe. I can predict your thoughts and words on almost any subject.

You are not living your own life woith your own thoughts and your own opinions, you are channeling the lives others and hoping to sound smart by repeating what you think smart people are saying. But that’s the thing about stupid people channeling smart people, unless you quote them verbatim and in context, you have to translate their thoughts into your thought before you express them and you add just enough stupidity to make the entire thing a steaming pile of shit.

At least you are smart enough to link the opinions of other without adding anything. That’s why i constantly ask you to say things in your own words because whenever you do, you sound like an idiot. An idiot who clearly doesn’t understand why he believes the things he believes, he only knows which tribe he belongs to.

You would be much better off just responding to the smarter woke posters with /agree rather than trying to squeeze out any thoughts of your own. You can only hurt your own position.

That’s funny, as projection usually is.

There are many things I am insecure about.
What exactly are you picking up about my insecurities?

I don’t remember you well enough to say you are stupid, you certainly don’t stand out as painfully stupid like gigobuster but I seem to recall you being racist. Are you the white dude that uses his black in laws as rhetorical human shields and try to be offended on behalf of your non-white relatives (who probably think you are a racist cracker)?

Perhaps i am mistaking you for someone else, can you refresh my memory and tell me how you feel about the lottery admissions at tjhsst?

No doubt.

That they are many, and that race is obviously one of them

That would be pretty shitty recall, then.

No, I can safely say I am not.

But I’ve reported you for the racist slur, anyway.

And no, you can fuck off with the school bullshit, just because you get no traction in GD doesn’t mean you’ll get any here, motherfucker.

Ah, the octopus defense, the preferred gambit of disingenuous assholes who pretend that they’re being persecuted by agency-less drones promoting an uncritical “woke” agenda. Because the alternative requires accepting that one actually is a disingenuous asshole, and it’s so much easier to cry victimhood than to accept accountability for one’s own words.

Though I am on GIGO’s side in this (as I usually am; he generally makes great points and can back them up) the back and forth “I know you are but what am I” is snowballing here.

Though I do appreciate we’re all apparently a ‘tribe’ rather than a ‘hive’. Nice change of pace compared to the 8-legged one.

I’m waiting to be accused of being a member of a League or a Legion. I hope membership comes with a decoder ring

I’m hoping for “junta” or at the very least “cabal”.

I’m holding out for a Comintern or United Front.

I think most accurately we’re a mob. The Sad Mob. (That is what SDMB is short for.)

Nope, it is you willfully ignoring that by now most liberals have stopped using woke because of assholes like you that listen to the right wing bigots more than to the minorities in academy, the ones that you claim to support.

That is why you are more than just an idiot, you are also an idiot of the ancient Greek kind. Because you choose to ignore what society tries to become and what it tries to overcome.

Wait, we’re not the Judean People’s Front?

Well, yes, but I had to cattle prod the subject a bit to find out where he does come from. I will have to agree with others, he does forget but while others quickly deduced that damur is a racist I had to figure out if it it was willful or not. I will have to agree with others: he is a willful ignorant ashore.

And it is clear to me that Republicans have set a machinery to turn simpletons like him into their minions.

Fucking splitters…

Autocorrect is more polite, it was not supposed to be ashore, but asshole.

Nice try, buddy. Everybody knows that when you cry, you cry alone. Check and mate, mate.

I like “quango”. Short, punchy, and fun to say.