I Pit Darren Garrison

I mean, the original thesis of the thread is that Darren_Garrison is an asshole for being a lynching apologist. It’s just a huge coincidence that he also is upset about this black actress.

A bit of an asshole?

I mean, what’s interesting here is that he realized he was dead wrong: Death is usually depicted as chalk white because all the Endless are depicted that way. What happens next is telling.

One possible response to that realization is to say, “Huh, it’s pretty fucked up how I remembered it so wrong, and that I got so critical of casting a black actress based on my faulty memory. This is a good time for me to reflect on how my biases might have played into this fuckup.”

That’s how someone who knows how they think would respond, because knowing how you think requires that sort of difficult self-reflection.

Another possible response is to realize that the memory was faulty, and then to go no further. That’s how someone who doesn’t know how they think would respond.

Or, you know, he’s just a racist, and how self-reflective he is is irrelevant.

I mean, just look at the OP of this whole thread. Dude already told us who he was last year.

You’re a real piece of shit . . . but you already know that.

He’d rather be “funny” than be human.

After reading the rest of that thread (I just caught the first few posts yesterday) I take it back. He really is that self-righteous and vindictive.

It’s nice to know he has no personal weaknesses so that he feels perfectly justified in verbally stoning anyone who does.

As he explicitly points out in the thread.

Also, the title gives away that he was lying. He didn’t say she was on a drug bend. He mocked her for “go[ing] nuts.”

I’m so grateful that thread got closed before he ended up saying anything to Chefguy that was more hurtful than he already had.

What a person so absolutely devoid of empathy and humanity, and filled with hubris.

That doesn’t speak to other weaknesses. Substance abuse is only one of a lot of different problems that fall into the category of not behaving as well as you should and possibly suffering consequences. My contention is that if he has ever done any of those things, then he is not qualified to cast stones. Since he referenced the bible quote, remember that it is “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her," referring to a woman who was caught in adultery. He doesn’t say “He that has never committed adultery, let him first cast a stone.” By that standard, at least, one should oneself be at least nearly perfect to throw such shade on a substance abuser.

Well, that does highlight a potential issue with his claim … Hmmm.

Okay, I just have to get it off my chest, and this is the right place. D_G was a disingenuous prick in the breaking news thread for the LGBQT shooting.

I will grant a tiny smidge that there were a few potshots being taken, regarding attacks on Christian Churches vs those of other faiths, but then DG went and dumped a poorly sourced, poorly written, and HIGHLY selective article to support his ‘but they’re all at risk theory’. And when called on it, went further for an even more biased whataboutism.

While they were called out fairly in the thread, it was a serious hijack, and I’m glad ECG stomped it.

His ongoing refusal to see that people of other races, religions and colors are subject to disproportionate attack (by population and circumstances) is once again plain to see.

Whenever I see Darren Garrison’s name or avatar this song pops into my head.

The I-95 Asshole Song - Fred “August” Campbell & The Spur of the Moment Band

Great! Now I’m going to get a bunch of weird songs on my YouTube feed. Thanks a lot Darren.