I pit DrDeth

That was an excellent post.

Oh, I was wondering, too. The movie, if anything, glorifies Doublemint gum.

And don’t get him started about washing his hands after taking a piss. Not necessary!!

Wait, what? :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

He thinks every instance of smoking shown on screen, big or small, glorifies smoking. And is paid for by Big Tobacco.

It’s an old thread from IMHO - you can search for it if you like.

The irony is that the Master had an article about washing hands after urinating.

I remember it well, because that is one of the articles that got me interested in The Straight Dope to begin with, which of course was the gateway drug to the SDMB.

ETA: In Cecil’s own words: “Common (but stupid) attitude.”

Books which go out of print receive a de facto ban.

Man do I love the unofficial sig feature that came with the board’s new software.

And when called on it, he whines:

Well, in the mammoth extinction thread, it is clear that “overkill” is a trigger word for @DrDeth; luckily no one used it aside from him, with his assumption that any reference to human hunting is automatically an adoption of the “overkill” hypothesis.

My point is, it’s laughable how when it suits him DrDeth is a huge pedant about correct terminology, but then he uses words that don’t mean what he thinks they mean at all, and when called on it whines about “trigger words”.

He’s on a roll.

DrDeth triggers my “What a maroon.” response.

Post the word ‘genocide’ some time and pull his string.

There’s a thread about the Stephen King short story The Jaunt which reminded me that in some past thread, some moron had accused Stephen King of plagiarism, claiming that King had lifted the whole thing from a novel by Alfred Bester, claiming, I quote: “That hack flat out stole that from The Stars My Destination a science fiction novel by American writer Alfred Bester published in 1956”.

So I did a search, and it was no surprise to see that the moron in question was, once again, our very own DrDeth being moronic as usual. Needless to say, King, one of the most prolific of modern writers, does not do plagiarism. The novel and the King short story have nothing at all in common except the use of the word “jaunt” to describe teleportation, and King graciously acknowledged that fact right in the story – far from being a plagiarizing “hack”, King was paying tribute to a writer he respected.

DrDeth’s relationship with reality has always been a tenuous one, but the absolute certainty of his convictions is unparallelled.

In the Polygamy thread, DrDeth kept harping about how we must not legalize polygamy because there are cults out in the desert that would use this, combined with the way underage marriage works in the US, to legitimize their sex cults.

Of course, given his stance on gun control, I doubt he would apply this same logic to other rights that some minority of people might abuse - but I don’t expect he has enough brain cells to rub together to see the hypocrisy there.

To be fair, he’s hardly the only one with the first interpretation: Blaring Quiet Part Out Loud, GOP Lawyer Admits to Supreme Court That Easier Voting Puts Republicans at 'Competitive Disadvantage'

Expert on all things Eskimo too, who’da guessed!

He is still on that train, in the Men vs Women thread.

I think I just found a cheat code. Check out the last sentence.

You know, he promises that, but doesn’t deliver.