I pit drive-by posts

Only the ones with blue eyes? Or the other ones to?

What’s worse is “seagull” thread starters. They fly by, poop, and fly away, never to be seen again. Some call this as being pretty damn close to Trolls, but even long established posters are sometimes “guilty” of this, and usually the OP isn’t quite as controversial as a true troll. There’s a thread in the PIT about grocery cards that is a good example of a “seagull”.

There goes the thread, it’s the end. Godwinizing bastid :smiley: :smiley:

  1. Post a drive-by.
  2. ?
  3. Profit

This is my 1,071st drive-by post!

It Burns! Oh Dear Og! It Buuuuuurrrrns!

Drive By Posting is for nancyboys. Drive By Galloping is more like it!

The only thing about the OP that offends me is the fact that none of my posts is listed.


Clip clop clip clop clip clop Hi Opal! * Clip clop clip clop clip clop clip clop

Amish Drive by Posting

I posted a trenchant driveby.
Just once.
For 20 minutes in 1962.

Clip clop clip THUD clip clop clip THUD Hi Opal! Clip clop clip THUD clop clip clop THUD

Amish drive-by posting, with a 3-legged horse.


I don’t even know what you’re getting at here.

Well thats good, but thats not what I’m pitting. I’m pitting the initial post itself. I understand that not everyone here agrees with this, but I don’t like them because they’re too easy and often hijack threads.

Spoken like a true pobe.

And I’d like to point out to you that your demeanor in this thread is self important and humourless.

Lighten up Francis.

Is there some reason you stopped before getting to Preston Bush?

I’m cutting back on the pork in my postings; too much cholesterol, doncha know.

Great, now we’re throwing the “P” word around in this thread? Is there no depth we cannot sink to?

Some threads are so moronic they only deserve a one line reply to the OP.

(this thread ain’t that bad :slight_smile: )

Well, yes, there is. But I can’t write about it, because then we’d sink to it.