I pit drive-by posts

Eh. What Bippy said. The hand waving and histrionics in the OP of that particular thread was so over the top, it was practically begging to be mocked. Did you even read it? I mean, had he started a thread in Great Debates to the effect of “The Solomon Amendment in Santa Cruz is not being upheld <link>, discuss”, he would’ve gotten a much better reaction. But no. Instead we have:

Yes. Students impeded people from entering the area where the recruiters had set up shop. But instead of say, suggesting the campus should’ve provided more security, we’re advocating police violence. :rolleyes:
It didn’t warrant anything better than drive by derision.

Mariana? Is that really you?

As Henry David Thoreau said: “Simplify, simplify, simplify.”

To which my friend asked incredulously: “He said ‘Simplify, simplify, simplify’ ?”

Hey! I’m not easy. I’m needlessly complex and labyrinthine of mind.

Ooooooh, look Google ad’s for Ringtones. somehow it all makes sense.

Really? I’m getting “COFFEE EXPOSED! ~ A shocking secret big coffee co’s don’t want you to know.”

I’m thinking it’s that they really decaffeinate all of it, thye just put it in different tins to fuck with us.

If I knew what the fuck a pobe was, I’d attempt to justify myself.

Well, with no further ado, I give you the Pobe

Apparently it means someone from a small region in Benin. They come over here in droves, just to patronize Farmer Jacks and get club cards.

Yes, that was the phenomenon to which I was referring in my earlier post. :wink:

Welcome back Vinnie,
Seriously, I’m glad you showed up again. For a second I thought you might have made a “drive-by” OP. Also, (I think) that a lot of these “insults” being tossed about by the SDMB membership are just good-natured fun.
As for my meaning about quoting your posting rule #4. Okay I’ll give the “Cliff’s Notes” summary of the relevant portion:

I just thought it would have applied to you particularly with the thread examples you gave in the original posting.

To some extent, I agree with you about drive-by posts. Sometimes (sorry too lazy to find an example), I’ve seen people just plow right into a good political argument and post some inflammatory, unsubstantiated “fact” just to disrupt the entire thread. Something like “you people think Dubya is doing a good job with the economy? What about the heavy-handed way in which he defeated the Fair Trade Act and his dictatorial manner in rendering the NAFTA treaty ineffectual?”
Then Mr Drive-by never posts to that thread ever again but enjoys the chaos he created.

I’d say the posts you cited in the OP were just good-natured fun. I’ve done that too. I remember a thread was started about NASA protecting astronauts from comic rays. Everybody knew what the actual topic was but there were some who couldn’t resist talking about the “Rip Taylor anti-confetti shield”, and so on.

So, Vinnie, remember that sometimes they are just meant in good fun.

AND if we didn’t have humorous drive-by postings[sup]1[/sup], it would mean the terrorists have won. :mad:

[sup]1[/sup] Band name ?

I for one welcome our overdrive-bylords.


Band Name!

And who could forget what inspired caroms off an earnest question about scalar weapons unleashed upon an unsuspecting Dopedom?

I prefer to think of mine as swish-by postings. Sashay-by perhaps.



I’m going to include typos in each one of my replys now. It lets me know that people actualy reab them.

So you expect us to reab what you sow?

Damn straiht!

I just met a trench named Mariana.

I sometimes offend people with a driveby concertina solo too. It’s really scarey in the middle of the night.