Back story:
I was raped 3 years ago. While some people may feel that I should be over this by now, I’m not. Suck it.
I understand that this is a hard thing for a parent to deal with, but it’s a lot harder for me. The actual victim. And I wasn’t going to tell them, except my mother went through my wallet and found the paper with the details of my report on it. Awesome.
Since day one of them finding out, it has always been a fight with them. Not once have they just sat and listened to my worries and fears. It’s always been the string of questions: Why didn’t I tell them right away? Why am I still upset after so long? (That was a year ago, by the way.) Why can’t I understand they are trying to heeeeeeelp?
Well, maybe it’s because you keep acting like pricks.
Tonight I was upset at the cops for dropping my case. My parents proceeded to tell me that I should have pushed them harder to pursue my case, and if I had let them be involved it would have gone differently. That it was my fault for the case not going through.
Right. Let’s place MORE blame on the rape victim. That’s awesome. Not only is it your fault for getting drunk and trusting someone you thought was a friend, now it’s your fault for not MAKING THE POLICE DO THEIR JOB. Seriously? And I am trying to explain to them that this is not okay, that all I need from them is their understanding and support. But they just continue on in their never ending quest to be right.
So in this rant, I pit all the people who can’t seem to offer up a shoulder to cry on for their friends and family members who have been raped. Do you honestly think it’s harder for you to deal with it than for the person it actually happened to? Just for once, try to not judge (at least not out loud) and allow this person a moment of solace, for fuck’s sake.
ETA: I’ve never posted before, just read for a long time, and of course I read the “What belongs in the Pit?” sticky AFTER posting. If this is deemed to fit in a different category, feel free to move. Thanks.