Hey everyone,
I love my parents; I really do, so please dont think I’m evil. Well, I am evil so please dont think I’m like Hitler or anything. Besides, we all know Dob is Hitler, or at least Doggy Hitler.
Geez Louise, I dont know if I can do this. How the fuck do you pit your own parents? It’s not like they’ve raped me, they are pretty normal parents. Lately though I am just sick with their behavior.
They are children. They should be wearing diapers, they are so immature. I’m 23 and I’m pretty immature too, but they make that old guy in “Oh God!” look like that girl who always does the tap-dancing. I’m bad with names, fuck you.
I suppose I should describe what exactly makes them childish, because, if i dont, somebody is going to ask, and then if I dont reply I’m really going to feel like an ass. I’m a jerk but not an asshole. I dont get fucked by dicks, but I do fuck assholes. Wait, no I dont. I forget how that joke went. Whatever.
I will prelude this by explaining the reason I’m living at home in Florida instead of going to school in Boston. It’s a real humdinger of a story. Last summer I drank too much in our shared condo, and apparently this really scared the crap out of them. Do they sit down and talk to me like rational adults? Noooooooo… that would too ADULT for them. Fucking idiots. No, what they do instead is call the Dean of Students and inform her that I am an alcoholic. The dean places me on medical leave and thus ensures my fate for one semester. I am still here in Florida rotting my life away because the shitty-ass analbead fucknugget doctor I see her wrote a wishy-washy recommendation and the Dean said “I need more time” Fuck you liberal cuntrag. You verminiferous assblaster. Oh, yeah, and you can fuck yourself too Doctor Do-nothing. I’m not an alcholic ok? I drink a lot but you know it’s called “College” you penis wrinkle. I know you used to be a priest. Some kids are alcoholics, and some priests are alcoholics, but I like to give you the benefit of a doubt, you dingleberry douche. Anyway, that’s why I am currently living with my parents.
Of course, ‘living’ is a very bad word to use when describing the time I spend with my parents. It’s more like ‘suffering,’ or ‘spending time and hating it.’ My parents kill kittens. Haha just kidding. I bet it got your attention though.
Oh, I’m just getting warmed up though. Let’s talk about how overprotective they are. I could not watch Terminator 2 until I was 18. I was never given a “birds and bees talk” I did not pass go, and I did not collect 200. I was treated like an Elven Prince, and nothing impure did pass my cerebrum. Oh, wait, except the arguments, the yelling, the throwing of my dog, and the constant cloud of hatred and negativity that surrounded my childhool. Yeah, that’s sooooo logical. Movies and Music and Girls are bad, but foisting your bullshit problems onto me so often that I develop nervous tics and mood disorders is just FUCKING HUNKY DORY. God, I dont want you to die, but… ah I cant finish that sentence. I may be angry, but there are some things I just refuse to say about my own family. I am pissed off though, and I swear I will get my vengeance.
Yeah, and that’s another thing I’m peeved about. I admit you are trying and you see a therapist to discuss your irrational self-loathing and other myriad dysfunctionalities, but yet you still manage to expose me to them on a daily basis. Listen, I want you to be happy and be a good son, but I’m not your god-damn therapist. The number of times I have played the middle man in this three person trio of woe approaches infinity. My function is pain. I can not divide my feelings by zero, nor do I ever want to. How in blue blazes can you sleep at night, knowing what your arguing and nagging is doing to your only child and son. When the therapist asked me why I always shook my head, I didnt say the real reason. I told him because I was picked on at school. Well, the real reason is because you two inconsiderate asshole incompetent nincompoops displayed daily so much immature, mean-spirited, bickering, that my body developed a way of compensating. I have no fucking clue how shaking my head was supposed to feel any better, but then I dont understand how many licks it takes to get to the center a tootsy roll pop, so what the fuck do I know.
Yeah, and thanks for the fucking awful DNA too. If DNA was a flavor, ours would be brussel sprouts. I’m a certified clinically depressive-anxious person. Because life is easy enough being relatively normal, I have to take medication and constantly worry about when my next crash is going to be. You two have very similar problems, so dont think I dont know where it fucking came from. I never signed for this UPS package from hell. I am grateful for being born, but I never asked to be a basket case. So thank you so much, you piss-poor pitiful parental pissants.
I already mentioned several times how I am angry at being forcibly exposed to such drama and tension and all-around good times, so please allow me to delve into a character analysis of my mom and dad. I have no siblings, which I guess is a good thing because I think my parents used all the points on their character sheet just creating me. If you want to be technical and Catholic, then I have two siblings. They were never born, but I believe they watch out for me. Is that uncomfortable witnessing to you, well too bad. This is my post and nobody is forcing you to read it. Prick.
Oh, and another thing, I’m not an alcoholic. Stop accusing me every day. When I sit down for dinner, I want to enjoy my shitty-ass tuna helper and peas, not listen to you interrogate me about my drinkin habits. Yeah, and it wouldnt kill you to maybe cook something good every once in a while. I know Tuna Helper is amazing, but still. Anyway, back to the alcohol, my doctor may be a complete asswipe, but even in his intellecutal ineptitude he agrees with me. Yes sometimes I drink too much, but there’s a major difference between beign young and foolish and being an alcoholic. Maybe if you actually listenened to what I say instead of being complete lobster-shelled parental cyborgs, you would understand. Fuck, I’m drinking while I type this and I believe I’m doing pretty damn well, if I dont say so myself.
Ok, so let’s do a little character analysis of my parents. Because I can think of nothing more I would enjoy doing, except maybe sticking a pear inside my urethra while singing La CucaRacha naked in a crowded elevator.
My dad is the strong silent type. He is funny, fat, and looks like Santa. He is actually a great person, as are both my parents. His major flaw is that he bottles everything up. He’s a very typical Manly Man. Maybe. You know, to tell the truth, I’m not very angry at my dad. He’s a cool dude.
Now, my mom on the other hand. Hoooly shit, does she piss me off. You could say I have an anti-Oedipus complex. I dont want to marry my dad, but I would most certainly enjoy… hugging… my mother. She has a good side, but shit it’s no fun talking about that. Per her bad side, she nags, she’s overprotective, she’s passive-aggressive, she’s annoying, she she…she…she…she…she…does not compute… FUCK you mom. There, I said it. Fuck you long, and fuck you hard, just not by me. I guess dad is ok.
She was verbally abused and all around fucked up by her mother, and now she treats everyone like she is talking to her mother. She yells and screams and villifies everyone, when actually she is just trying to lash out against her dead mother. It’s really screwed up. We tell her this, and she knows this, but it doesnt change a damn thing. And so on and so forth. She’s miserable all the time, because she hates living in FLorida, but honestly she is miserable everywhere she goes. She is incapable of being happy.
My parents are ingrateful. Ingrateful bastards. They are never happy with what they have. I dont know how to make a joke about it, because their behavior is most unfunny. Clowns would cry if they knew my family. Every time my mother bitches, God kills a kitten.
Shit, I want to kill a kitten right now, I’m so angry. JUST KIDDING. I only kill raw fish. Oh geez, now I’m thinking of that again. KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!
Breathe. Breathe John. Ok i’m better.
All good things must come to an end, so I’m going to stop now. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, which is not very much.