I Pit NotOkay for convincing the entire board umkay had died!

I have found her posting abilities pretty astonishing, with complex multiquoting and editing and excising of those quotes, all done at a speed I’d find difficult myself. I understand that the text-to-speech software can be very fast, but all the cutting and editing I find pretty amazing. I’m withholding judgment for now, but agree that if she’s for real, she’s a remarkable gal.

She said that her caretakers often post what she dictates to them.

Doesn’t address the complicated edited multiquoting.

Reminds me a bit of the Kaitlyn kerfuffle. Yeah, Kaitlyn knew everything about transgender issues. And that meant that she/he wasn’t posting strictly to fuck with people, but rather as an extended fantasy.

It isn’t hard to believe that some devotee/wannabe could know enough about being disabled to convincingly post as one.

Shit! I … um … crap! For some strange reason I thought “umkay” registered in 2002. It didn’t. That thing registered this month. Both user names are trolls.

son of a bitch! I don’t usually fall for that crap. To borrow from Jurassic Park: “clever girl”.

So sure that it was “someone else’s posts” claiming umkay is dead? I am just learning that trolls enjoy bringing drama, and the whole attention to my special situation, exaggerated death, and rising again in so short a time might just be a part of troll fun.

I never fell for a troll before.


kay”? Can I call you “kay”? Umkay or notKay, I know you are reading this. I’m just going to call you “kay”.

That was clever as hell. My hat’s off to you. But the joke is done. I’m impressed, really. You got the gullible to mourn you, but that joke ( and I have to admit, it is kinda funny) is done.

You’re done.

Regardless of what’s actually going on, this post could not have been more perfectly crafted to reward the person behind the trolling.

This whole thread is an elaborate hoax. The giveaway is that Bricker is the only one talking sense here, and that’s just implausible. Well done, but that one detail gives you away.

(Oh, and confidential to Bricker, :p)

Most of us have been on message boards for the last 10 or 15 years. Fakes happen. I’m glad I’m not the only one who was a little…unconvinced.

If it turns out that umkay is who she says she is, then great. But it would seem that 99.999 per cent of the attention she gets is for being a paraplegic. Maybe being an alleged hot blonde in a wheelchair gets you farther. (Sorry, Ambi.)

There are people here who post things that are 100 per cent true and get accused of being a sock. Her story is a little…too good to be true.

As far as her knowing a lot about spinal cord injuries, well, umkay could be posting as someone who knows someone like umkay. I was once part of a board where some teen’s mother posted as her and put up all of her pics and etc. It was nuts. She even got this nice guy in California to ‘fall in Internet love’ with her. He flew all the way to Australia. Boy, was he in for a surprise.

You got to give it up for the true troll, though. As much as I hate to admit it, that was pretty goddamn clever. Kay got me for awhile.

He or she is an asshole, truly, but I would be lying if I said that wasn’t clever as hell.

NotOkay is a jerk. Being a fake quadriplegic’s fake brother comes with certain responsibilities, and faking the fake death of said fake quadriplegic is simply unacceptable. Why not spend your fake energies on something positive, like faking a surprise birthday party?

At least umkay didn’t ask for cash. (:

It is certainly possible for someone to create a ridiculously elaborate internet hoax. Look at all the time Emily Dirr apparently put into the “Warrior Eli” hoax, creating a whole fake family over the course of many years: http://warriorelihoax.wordpress.com/2012/05/22/timeline/

So, sure, I can see how umkay might be making up an incredibly detailed tale that isn’t true. However, I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt unless they’re trying to scam people out of money or otherwise acting in a way that could really cause damage.
Someone could say I am lying about who I’ve claimed to be on here, and my reaction would probably just be “Whatever. Believe me if you want. I’m not asking anything from anyone. I’m just here to talk to people”. I am always open to the idea that someone posting on here could be totally making it up, but in most circumstances it really doesn’t matter anyway.

:slight_smile: I do kinda go ballistic when that happens.

I’m just a lurker in this, but I like how in the space of a few posts, wild speculation has become fact.

It seems to me like most socks make some sort of mistake that the administrators would have found when they ‘investigated’ the situation. Things like posting with the same IP. Even if not, a troll whose primary effect has been educating the public about quadriplegia doesn’t seem so bad to me.

I feel like I need to reach through the computer and offer a drink. You know, like ((((scotch))))

Dude, any self-respecting sock these days is gonna use a proxy.

The obsessive sport-lying aspect does somewhat undercut the message.