I Pit SmartAleq

A Modest Proposal for SmartAleq: Go Fuck Yourself

No, that’s too harsh. Go get some fucking therapy, you anger-addicted asswipe. What sort of mediocre loser spends 20 years getting so worked up about a goddamned message board that he would literally say the following to a fellow human being:

This was a discussion, a rare discussion, with Cecil and Ed about what to do with this place and you, you putrid piece of easily-offended shit, you couldn’t act like a goddamned professional, much less an adult, much less a productive member of this community, and answer the fucking question could you? OMG, THE HORROR, BACK SOME YEARS AGO A MISGUIDED ATTEMPT TO MONETIZE THIS BOARD WAS MADE!!! WOE IS ME!!!

Holy fucking shit, SmartAleq: your obvious inability to see the problem coupled with obviously innate offenderati tendencies mixed with an insane level of two-decades-worth-of-built-up-resentment* over once being asked to (OMG) pay for a website would ordinarily make me feel embarrassed for you.

But no, you were so vile in your treatment of a fellow human being, one who has genuine input regarding the future of this website, you genuinely pissed me off.

And not only that, you unloved scrote, I have spent the past 2 years promoting the SDMB, I know of at least 4 (relatively) active posters whom I invited here, and here you are doing your best to fucking destroy this damned site with your pathetic whining of problems so minor that I, a 20-year poster with near 30,000 posts, need clarification on one of them – what the fuck is the Barn House? Anyone? Bueller?

Ed’s/Cecil’s idea may have been good/bad. The presentation may have been clunky. And I actually agree that their solution solves the wrong problem**. But unloading 20 years of resentment towards some message board admin/reporter/columnist in the Chicagoland area, shitting all over him when he was asking for our help, is fucking unacceptable behavior and I’m calling this shit out. How dare you call someone a cancer? How dare you do so when they’re asking for advice?

You fucking owe Ed an apology. Let’s see if you’re adult enough to give it.

*A level of resentment which would have been excessive even in 2003, when the internet was expected to be free.

**The problem solved by the proposal is giving someone named Ed Zotti income enough to keep the Board running. Nothing wrong with that, but the problem solved by the proposal should have been how to grow the subscriber base of the SDMB. And maybe you do that by promoting some of our more prolific posters and threads. But we surely can’t discuss that w/ Ed & Cecil now because fuckwad here got the thread closed.

I endorse this pitting.

Well-written. I too am on board.

You seem to think this level of ignorance about the Board is a point in your favour. All it does is undercut your dumb “Oh, I tweeted” bragging. You’re advertising something you’re only half-aware of.

And any fucker who advertises a site like this on Linkedn is a spammy asshole.

We’re not allowed to pit the staff here, so I’ve been relatively quiet on this whole thing, but SmartAleq was right on the money - Ed is absolutely the worst kind of seagull admin, and they (and we) owe him absolutely fuck-all.

“Go fuck yourself”
“mediocre loser”
“You anger-addicted assswipe”
“putrid piece of easily-offended shit”
“obvious inability to see the problem”
“you unloved scrote”

Um… the OP maybe?

Yes, @SmartAleq did speak in terms inappropriate for ATMB. The Pit is more suitable, no question.

But other than that, I don’t understand why you feel you can hurl such invective at SmartAleq with impunity, but she warrants a Pit thread because she uttered words that were no worse than what you said.

Yeah, @JohnT, you dumbass I’m the problem. I can see that whole experiment in DIY first person colonoscopy is working out swimmingly for you. Oh, and thanks @CairoCarol for linking me to the thread considering the OP is too much of a gormless weenie to alert me to its existence. Wuss.

I think Cecil did a column about which way the board is rotating right now depending on which hemisphere you are in, but I can’t find a link to it.

Congratulations! You finally found the right forum to get pissy in!

Nah, I’m pretty much pissy wherever I am. My bad.

Have you tried Depends for your self-control problem?

So you’d be happier if the board wasted away and died? Because that’s what you’re advocating for when you attack the reason for its existence and the person who’s keeping it running.

Let me guess, you’ve been hoarding that little zinger so long the glue dried up on the post-it note stuck to your monitor, yeah? What a red letter day this must be for you!

I’m with the OP on this.

If it makes you feel important, then go ahead and think I would waste my good stuff on you. :roll_eyes:

Glad to be of service!

@JohnT: I can’t respect anyone who seems to be dismissing the “cunt-flap” as “minor.” It wasn’t minor; it led to the formation of two splinter boards, one of which has thrived for years, and it was a serious issue for some of us. As an old-school feminist, I was personally extremely pissed that Ed felt he needed to protect me from a four-letter word that I am perfectly capable of dealing with without getting the vapors. Cunt! Cunt! Cunt! And go watch the fucking Cornetto Trilogy, you cunt, if you can’t accept that the whole world doesn’t adhere to your pathetic, condescending idea that females are too delicate to withstand the word CUNT. *

Also, “what the fuck is the Barn House?” is like asking “Who the hell was Opal?” or “what is this thing you call ‘the pit’?”

New people are, I hope, welcome here. You don’t have to know all that stuff to be a good poster. But admitting you have no clue about the Barn House is tantamount to walking into a Georgia DNC meeting and saying “who is this, um, ‘Brad Raffensperger’ you’re talking about? I don’t know the history, but I’m sure I have a valuable opinion and you should let me tell you exactly what to do!”

Yeah, educate yourself first, then offer advice.

*Just to be clear, that sentence is rhetorical and directed at Ed/Cecil, not at the OP.

Please. This board exists now because of the users, including the mods. Ed’s turned into a parasite.

And yes, I do not give a fuck about the so-dated columns or books. Not what brought me here, not why I stayed.

So if Ed goes away and takes the Sun-Times with him, who’s gonna be hosting the board? You?

Why do the two have to be connected? If the board generated enough revenue to pay its own hosting costs, why would the S-T not just keep it for the brand and put Ed out to pasture?

Do you mean who’s going to pay for hosting? Because Discourse already hosts this board, not the S-T.

You broadly overestimate the value of the brand.

“Fuck off, we don’t need you” is a bizarre attitude to cop when the person responsible for keeping this place alive says “They’re going to shut this place down if we don’t do something.”

Oh, take ed’s shrivelled dick out of your mouth for a second and listen to yourself. He is no such thing. He ignored this place for years and it went on ticking just fine.