Guys, calm down, time is on our side, the rust belt will continue to rust and wither, and degrade and have fewer and fewer votes. Healthcare costs and access and problems, even with an obamacare repeal and replacement with kiddiecare from the republicans will not be up to the task unless they engage in a more full throated universal healthcare system, this will become apparent even to rust belters. We can push for a universal basic income to offset job losses and manufacturing losses that WILL NOT BE ABATED by more trade restrictions, because one of the core problems is our manufacturing sector needing fewer and fewer people to produce things with automation. These trends are not going away, and the republicans have no credible answers.
Lowering tax rates and gutting the ACA won’t do jack to help people, it will take time, but now they have to own the results of their flawed assumptions. I do not think this path is ideal, we did not need to go through this extended suffering while the special ed students of the american electorate figures out basic issues, but it WILL be figured out sooner or later.
Go outside, the sun is still shining, and I know many of you like me live in wonderful blue states like California, bastions of liberalism and dynamic economies that can stand as a model to the rest of the conservative failed states. The best response is for we liberals and liberals states, to do well. Come up with and show policies that help more people, and slowly take back more states.
Do not despair, we are NOT the talk radio right wing, we are NOT agents of perpetual decline and despair. Push forward my liberals, even if this sloppy rhetoric is not up to the task of lifting your spirits, know that we live on to fight another day. Don’t be bitter, be BETTER. Be how Brando described his son in the greatest teaser trailer of all time (not movie, ONLY the trailer)
This is the worst day in human history. I predict in a few days Trump is going to start having brown people assassinated. The death toll will be higher than every war ever fought ever. I hear Trump is already going around New York grabbing womens pussies and punching Muslims in the face. Laughing the whole time. I read an article that stated they have evidence that Trump already has the nuke codes and has told Obama he is going to launch the nukes at 9PM eastern time. The civil war will most likely start up in a couple of days as well. I’m buying a gun on the way home from work to protect myself from the gun-nutters.
I’m sticking to my “bull in a china shop” analogy. It might not be the end of the world, but it’s probably overly optimistic to imagine that the bull will rearrange the merchandise in such a clever way that it will improve the business in your china shop. OTOH, it’s possible that the bull will just take a big dump in the middle of the floor and wander out the back door without breaking anything.
Have you ever gotten on an email chain, at work maybe. Someone accidentally copies a wide distribution list. 50 people immediately reply - copying the entire list - telling the sender that they are emailing everyone. Another 150 people then jump on to tell everyone to stop cc’ing the whole list, by cc’ing the whole list. By lunch time, your inbox is full of hundreds of emails full of useless information about not cc’ing a list, which everyone continues to do until someone finally kills the list.
OP - your Pitting is one of those emails. You have created another Pitting to Pit too many Pits. Just let it go man. Let it go.
You first, buddy. This is just a wave of released tension after a preposterous two-year slog. Give it a week, and it’ll return to the basic grumble level and stay there for another 3.5 years.
Ha! No, it’ll stay there until Trump is allowed to start trying to be their President. After that, fresh squirrels will be in order. Lots of them. Fat and healthy ones, too.
Well, sure, there will be an uptick at the inauguration, and I expect a “Stupid Trump Idea of the Day” thread will have no shortage of material, but this crush of pit outrage will wear off soon enough. If you don’t like it, go away for a few days and spend time with, I dunno, your family or something.