I pit uteri

It certainly readjusts its cycle by as much as week either way if it knows you’re going to be on vacation, and especially if you were planning on swimming.

Malice confirmed.

This is the real reason I’m prochoice. Anyone who has to put up with all this gets the authority to decide what does and doesn’t grow in the damn thing, and when, and for how long. Period (so to speak), end of story.

Pitting heartily endorsed. I can’t say I’m exactly looking forward to menopause, because that doesn’t sound like a ball of fun either, but having my period has sucked. Bleeding so heavy hysterectomy was recommended - check. Fibroids - check. Ovarian cysts - check. Diarrhea during cycles - check. Ferocious cramps - check. I used to use both the largest tampon I could get and wear pads and I would still ruin clothes.

It’s not just a stupid organ. It’s a stupid system. As someone else mentioned, we could pit pregnancy and that would go on for pages.

The Mirena has been wonderful for me. Everything calmed down. A few days of light cramps and some spots each cycle. I highly recommend the thing, if anyone needs relief.

Shodan your thoughtful gifts are appreciated. :smiley:

This is a good place to post a link to my menopause song parody. It’s no fun unless you remember the “Summertime Summertime” song from the sixties.

A random act of kindness. In the Pit.


Freakin’ Mirena. After I had the thing put in, I bled for eight straight months. Then it started working. Then it stopped working out of the blue about a year or two later. I’d go back to the Pill (it at least was reliable more times than not), but the doc won’t prescribe in until she takes the Mirena out, and I’m terrified to have it yanked out like that.

My uterus hates me too. For the past two yeas the time-between-periods has been steadily shrinking from about 32 days to 21. I’m ready to dig the damn thing out myself.

I always hated that question. When I was young, the first time I was asked that, they framed it as “when was your last period?”. So I was like “um, from March 3rd to the 8th, why?” LOL! It took me a while to figure out they wanted to know the day it started. It never made sense to me that doctors put so much importance on the day it starts. It took me literally decades to figure out that the only reason they ask it is to verify if you’re not pregnant or menopausal. They could simply ask (and some have) “any chance you could be pregnant?”

Strangely, as soon as I went through menopause they magically stopped asking me that. I never told them I was menopausal, they just assumed I was “of the age” by looking at me, I guess. But it’s creepy that they so accurately guessed when it was.

BTW, for those who are leery of it, menopause isn’t always as bad as they say. It’s an individual thing. I had a few warm flashes, exactly three hot flashes, and then I was done with “side effects”. Now I’m human again.

bolding mine

As above, I’m still getting regular periods, but while in the past I have gotten grumpy/emotional pre-period, now I get a couple of days of white-hot rage. I am adding that to the hopeful signs that things are changing, and maybe menopause is coming.

48 years of life here, 37 years of periods :mad: I still do forget about the mood swings month to month and it takes me a full day of incandescent rage to realize it must be that time again. :smack:

I will be 60 this year and I just got asked that last week.

I think that it’s really trivial to have it taken out. My doctor warned me that my husband might accidentally pull it out if he pulled on the string that sticks out through the cervix. If it’s not working for you, get it out.

Has anyone seen that episode of Frasier where his agent runs around doing all sorts of terrible things to make sure that Frasier gets gigs, or the best payments, or whatever. He freaks out that she’s evil incarnate, and she “promises” she’ll behave. At the end of the episode, something untoward has happened again that puts him in a better position. He calls he up and asks “Is there any chance that you didn’t have anything to do with this?” She answers him in this pitying voice, “Oh darling, there’s always a chance.”

I always want to respond with that line when I get a “Is there a chance” question, but generally people don’t get the reference or they have no sense of humor. Since I don’t want an extra blood test to verify my non-pregnancy, I play it straight.

Had cancer with chemo at 24, which put me into early menopause . Hot flashes for a month or so, but nobody joked to me about them because it never occurred to anyone that’s what was happening.

So I have been free since 1974, and it’s been heaven!

I’m super sensitive to pain. They had to put me under anesthesia to put it in.

I hear ya. 456Mine hurt like a bitch to put in (I have a huge fibroid that this had to go right through/over). I just had the impression that they were so easy to take out that it could happen accidentally. Talk to your doctor. Maybe a twilight drug would let them get the thing out.

I am terrified of getting an iud because I have heard horror stories about them coming out on their own.

iPhones have a nice feature in the Health App to track cycles. Start length, flow, length. It’s great.

But fuck my uterus even with Apple’s help.

I had horrible dysmenorrhea when I was younger. Puking, fainting, basically incapacitated once a month. The pill stopped that, but it has side effects and is a huge pain in the ass and is expensive. But thanks anyway, Planned Parenthood. You’re the best.

I think it went away because when I went off the pill, I didn’t get sick anymore. I got a Mirena and while I mostly like it, I’m irregular as fuck now. I go months without a proper cycle. But not in the good way. When I was pregnant? That was the good way. Now I have the bloating, the mood swings, the pimples, the back aches and none of the sweet, sweet relief of the first day. Like you know it’s coming and you prepare with your midol and salt and chocolate supplies and you’re ok in a couple days. Now it’s being on edge for weeks on end and I’m dying. My first Mirena was like this too - normal cycles gradually tapering off until I was almost having a breakdown. I figured it just wore off. My second one is now old enough it’s doing the same thing. So yeah, no periods while not being menopausal OR pregnant sounds fucking fantastic, but not when you want to murder someone for every slight.

I ordered some weirdass herbal supplement that is supposed to help. We’ll see. If it doesn’t, out comes the Mirena and I guess I go au natural until menopause sets in.

True, it is possible my absence of cycles could be due to early onset menopause, but I doubt it.

So thanks, uterus, that you suck so bad I have to take steps that somehow end up being worse than what you do all by yourself.

I was reading another thread-- is it possible for just your uterus to have borderline personality disorder, because I don’t think I, personally have it, but those descriptions sound like my damn uterus.

Oooh… come back and tell us if this works. I would like to know.

Had mine removed 26 years ago, along with the ovaries, because of a giant fast growing fibroid and really bad endometriosis. I suspect I had POS too. I don’t miss any of it at all, even though I never stopped getting hot flashes. No more near suicidal sleepless nights due to PMS. I hardly ever get depressed any more.