…henceforth known as WTG.
Hey, WTG, so I hear you’re pregnant? Big fucking surprise. You’re what, just turned 18? Slow starter huh? Didn’t they teach you anything in the trailer park? How old is that boyfriend of yours? 35? What, he’s got three kids already? You white trash types trying to outbreed the Chinese or something?
I guess you’ll have to stop calling off work all the time because you’re gonna need the money. You’d be surprised at the amount of money you accumulate if you actually go into work instead of calling off because you’ve got a hangover or court appointment. And since you’re pregnant, I guess you’re gonna quit smoking our cigarettes now? And you’re gonna stop blowing your rent money on booze and pot? Oh yeah, no one wants to lend you money so stop asking. We don’t really believe that you’re “good for it.” By the way, about that request you put in the other day? The word “doctor” is NOT spelled “docter.” Pretty fucking common word to misspell. Everyone laughed at your dumb ass. Yeah, that was mean, but everyone is tired of hearing you bitch about your totally self-induced problems. Need rent money? Don’t fucking call off work all the time. You’re on the verge of being fired for that, BTW. Worried about your upcoming court appointment? Stay out of fucking trouble. I’m 38 and never been to court in my life. It’s not really that hard to stay out of trouble. Want a cigarette? Buy your own fucking pack. Oh yeah, and when you do come into work, how about actually DOING something?
Fuck you and no thanks for extending your worthless bloodline. :rolleyes: