I pit white trash girl...

…henceforth known as WTG.

Hey, WTG, so I hear you’re pregnant? Big fucking surprise. You’re what, just turned 18? Slow starter huh? Didn’t they teach you anything in the trailer park? How old is that boyfriend of yours? 35? What, he’s got three kids already? You white trash types trying to outbreed the Chinese or something?

I guess you’ll have to stop calling off work all the time because you’re gonna need the money. You’d be surprised at the amount of money you accumulate if you actually go into work instead of calling off because you’ve got a hangover or court appointment. And since you’re pregnant, I guess you’re gonna quit smoking our cigarettes now? And you’re gonna stop blowing your rent money on booze and pot? Oh yeah, no one wants to lend you money so stop asking. We don’t really believe that you’re “good for it.” By the way, about that request you put in the other day? The word “doctor” is NOT spelled “docter.” Pretty fucking common word to misspell. Everyone laughed at your dumb ass. Yeah, that was mean, but everyone is tired of hearing you bitch about your totally self-induced problems. Need rent money? Don’t fucking call off work all the time. You’re on the verge of being fired for that, BTW. Worried about your upcoming court appointment? Stay out of fucking trouble. I’m 38 and never been to court in my life. It’s not really that hard to stay out of trouble. Want a cigarette? Buy your own fucking pack. Oh yeah, and when you do come into work, how about actually DOING something?

Fuck you and no thanks for extending your worthless bloodline. :rolleyes:

Umm… You do know that amoung the WT, having a child is a sure way to get that fat juicy welfare check don’t you? So this young lady will not have to come in to work at all soon. Indeed, she will probably get more money from welfare than from working.

 Yes, I live in West Virginia, and yes I see this every day. I know that soon, people will sign on to defend welfare and white trash in general, but this IS the pit.

Anyone who smokes while pregnant is an irresponsible jackass.

Years ago, when I was managing staff, I had one staff member who was going through all the grotesqueries of IVF and various kinds of invasive surgery in the interests of having a baby. One day she came back from lunch in tears. It turned out she had overheard a conversation between two teenage girls that basically boiled down to, “Now if you have two more kids, you will get enough in benefits to never have to work.”

Of course now that the government has offered a $3000 (?) cash bonus for having babies this kind of irresponsibility will cease.

I knew that, but I don’t follow the subject of welfare in regards to reform. How much have benefits changed recently?

I thought that Clinton & the Gingrich Congress had put the brakes on the Baby-Welfare Gravy Train.

It was never much of a gravy-train to begin with, despite Reagan’s ridiculous rhetoric about welfare queens driving Cadillacs. Now each child just results in worse poverty for the typical poor single parent.

I realize no ones calling for the end of welfare in this thread, but just for the record:

One of my best friends growing up was an excellent cook, won numerous awards for her cooking in HS and was set to go to cullinary school when she got knocked up. She decided to have the baby, drop out of school, and work what hours she could at the local grocery store. She’s very devoted to her child, and I really admire her for keeping her life more or less togeather despite the unexpected turn its taken. Despite the support of her family and friends though, she would be in a much rougher spot if it weren’t for the medicaid and other welfare programs that allow her to not have to work full time.

Also my girlfriends mother immigrated here from Vietnam after her father was put in a communist reeducation camp after the war. She ended up here alone with two children, no support and very little command of the English languge. She worked for minimum wage in various fast food restaurants, and relied on welfare to help support her children. Today she owns her own house, her daughter is applying to law school and her son is in HS. Again, I doubt she would have ever made it out of working at Denny’s if it weren’t for state/federal programs.

While abuses of the system are inevidable and we should work to lessen them, successes are also abundent and I wish we’d hear more about them.

I can’t help throwing in my .02. I don’t condone what the girl is doing, but you never know the kind of life people have had that leads them to this end. I’ve known many girls like this, and mostly I feel sorry for them. You think they should know better, but a lot of them really don’t.

I guess it’s that idea of walking a mile in someone else’s shoes, you really can’t know what it’s like. So, maybe try to have a little bit of empathy, even though it might be difficult.

Anyone getting pregnant is an irresponsible jackass. Irresponsible jackasses shall inherit the earth. Or perhaps we already did. Whatever. All together now - three hurrahs for irresponsible jackasses.
Hurrah. Hurrah. Hurrah!

Perhaps the problems your friend experienced stems from having postponed her own pregnancy beyond what is prudent and the fact that female fertility already starts to decline in the mid twenties and takes a skydive in the mid thirties. Perhaps, had she been a little more trashy or white or lived in a trailer she wouldn’t have had to go be so grotesque. Or perhaps it merely stems from hormone induced emotional imbalance. Whatever, two teenagers talking about popping out little bundles of joy and milking the state for what it’s worth is hardly something to be all in tears over.

Threads like these really raise my ire.

All too often if the veneer of politically correct compassion of many people is scratched, we find that the holier than thou attititude, bigotry and scorn can still be acceptable.

Why does the OP have a thing against poor white people? Are they letting everyone else down? Do white people have no excuse for being poor or undereducated? And why the eugenic reference?

I’ve never heard anyone claim that that black African women facing recurring drought and poverty depending on handouts from the world community, should be scorned for reproducing.

Why the double standard ?

Jesus, could you have any less sympathy for another human being’s feelings?

After my first child died, I desperately wanted to have another baby. I couldn’t conceive for about eight years. Finally, I became pregnant, and when I did, it was the second happiest day of my life, quite literally. During the eight years when I couldn’t get pregnant, any talk of pregnancy or babies would send me crying from the room.

For this woman, anyone who can get pregnant has something she desperately wants but can’t have. Reproduction, in particular, is a very basic biological instinct that tends to affect how a person sees herself. If she’s anything like I was, I thought myself a failure as a woman and as a human being. Hearing about others’ pregnancies and kids made me feel worse about things.

So try to have a little empathy, okay?


It is interesting how we tolerate some forms of overt bigotry, but not others. I kinda-sorta wondered same thing re the race & class imputations of the OP, and how it would have sounded if the nature of the epithets remained the same, but the race was changed to black, and the words “white trash” and “trailer park” were replaced with “nigger” and “ghetto”. I think the thread would have been banned almost instantly.

I have no empathy for a short anonymous paragraph on a message board. And I know nothing of her story beyond that short paragraph, you neither supposedly. But in truth I wasn’t criticising her (how could I, I don’t know her) as much as protesting the way her story was being used as yet another reason to come down the collective asses of White Trash Girls, aka. White Nigger Bitches, and the OP’s used of race as a legitimate slur.

Wanting, but unable, to conceive must be horrible, but one woman’s inability is in no way caused by other women’s ability. Feeling is not always under the control of the intellect, but her story brought up here, long after it happened, it is presented as an argument.

Well, the OP made me sick.

Amazing that someone who’s 38 can have so little compassion and empathy for someone 20 years younger. Because we all know, 18 year olds never make mistakes, and thus should be ridiculed and mocked when they do.

Grow up. Feeling superior to a scard 18 year old girl in trouble doesn’t really make you a big person.

I don’t believe anybody has the right to tell another person whether they should have children or not. I don’t care if she is “white trash” or if she lives in a trailer park, the girl lives in America, right? Then she has reproductive freedom. If you don’t want to loan her money or give her a cigarette, that’s fine. But you have no business commenting on what she does with her life. Live and let live.
And another thing- when my youngest child was 9 months old, his doctor detected a serious medical condition, and for the next couple of years we spent a great deal of time dealing with it. So much time, in fact, that I couldn’t have worked. I surely would have been fired for taking so much time off. So I lived on welfare. A whopping $285 a month in cash, and a couple hundred in food stamps. And yes, all my rent and bills were to have come out of the $285- this was not in addition to rental assistance or any other type of assistance. There were many times I would have to fashion maxi pads out of cut-up diapers, because groceries were not free, but diapers could be found for free through assorted agencies. Anybody that thinks getting the welfare check means you’re living high off the hog can kiss my ass. It sucks.
As for success stories, I can definitely say I’m one of them. I went to school, paid for by the state, and now I make much more than minimum wage and recieve no assistance whatsoever.

There have been many pit threads on the inappropriateness and defense of the term “White Trash”. The consensus is that it does NOT refer merely to poor people who happen to be white. But of the Jerry Springer guest types whose actions truly DO bring their lifestyles upon themselves.

The communication and culture of the world of the black woman living in the wilds of Africa for instance and that of our own people living in America, well they couldn’t be more different. In geography (sand is pretty hard to grow decent and consistant crops in), culture, technology and so on.

In our country, almost no one is denied access to decent education (if they CHOOSE to attend) and public service, and the knowledge that these things exist from a young, young age. TV, movies, popular entertainment exist for instance, even if a particular springerite can’t be bothered to attend school, all contain messages and information about what happens if you have sex without protection, how working your way up is a “good thing” and so on.

Whereas, in many third world countries, it is often in part lack of education and services, rather than as here, lack of paying ATTENTION to the education that is right in front of your face, that is much of their difficulty. Their problems of ability to feed their children is to a much larger degree than ours, a factor of nature’s feast and famine cycles that are prevelant in those parts of the world.

That is, there’s a really good growing season for several years in a row, people there become healthier and begin to expand and have children. Unfortunately, the bad growing seasons soon follow leading to lack of crops and food, and that is when you see the little kids who were conceived and born during the good seasons go hungry.

In this country, that sort of thing control by environment doesn’t really exist, and where it does, there are many other options available to people than you would see in the plains of the serengeti for instance. So, in many cases in America a person’s poverty really is brought on by their own foolish choices.

It’s apparent from the OP’s description, that this person wasn’t all that willing to better herself even beFORE she became pregnant. She hardly showed up to work, and didn’t work when she did show up.

Hard as it is to believe, lazy, stupid shiftless people DO exist.

I have heard a lot of people saying that Africans sshould stop having more kids when they know that they don’t have the resources to feed the four to six that they all ready have. I’ve heard the same comments made about so called “welfare queens” in the ghetto. These kinds of comments aren’t rare. As someone else mentioned, the terms ghetto and white trash refer more to a lifestyle than anything else.

Sorry, I’m gonna have to side with those being critical of the OP here. Often when I hear people complain about people like WTG, I think it would be a good idea for them to consider whether they would like to trade places with the complainee. If not – and surely in this case that would be the answer – then what is the problem. Her life is much worse than yours, and she is probably a fairly miserable person headed for even more misery.

My guess would be she has very little self-esteem, has probably been raised by people who were difficult on her, and that she likely suffers from clinical depression.

No one who has lives like that picks them out in advance. If there were a checksheet they could fill out prior to landing here on Earth, I doubt they would have checked off the qualities and lifestyle they now have.

I can understand your annoyance with her calling off and mooching all the time, but there is a certain visciousness, contempt and superiority in the OP that I think is very ill placed. Nobody who is well-adjusted and happy displays the kind of behavior this girl is. She is displaying almost classic textbook symptoms of clinical depression, and truly, from her point of view and the way her brain is working right now, she has very little ability to live her life differently, will-power or no.

She’s a grownup now. Time to act like it.

Sure they do. Our lives are the sums of the choices we make. And how we react to the things that happen to us. If she’s depressed, or has low self esteem, then she needs to CHOOSE to do the things that will get her out of the depression, and help her obtain good self-esteem. Sitting around moping is not the cure. Skipping work isn’t the cure. Letting yourself have sex with no protection? Idiotic. Don’t compound it by making worse choices on top of that.

Oh HORSE puckey. People who have a huge sense of entitlement do. Lazy people who think the world owes them a living do. People other than depressed and low self-esteem people behave badly.

Not everyone who makes poor choices and behaves in the way the girl in the OP is behaving is “depressed”. And really, that’s sort of an insult to those of us who have gone through actual diagnosed clinical depression.

Again, there ARE people who are purposely lazy, shiftless and stupid in life. Not everyone who claims to be a depressed victim who gets a free ride. And trust me, even when one IS in the midst of clinical depression? Part of the cure is taking responsibility and steps to heal thyself.

Digging oneself in further by not protecting oneself against unwanted pregnancy, or being fired is NOT recommended by any counselor or Psy doc that I know of.

As for the OP? I don’t see that it’s so much superiority, as extreme annoyance with the bad choices of WTG. Particlularly the ones which obviously directly affect the life of the OP himself. Such as that of having an irresponsible coworker increasing his workload.

I’ve known people like this, and had the same feelings of intense annoyance as the OP. Hell, we had our very own version not too long ago. People gave this poster tons and tons of help and advice about where to go to dig herself out. Even going so far as to offer their emails and support her in her LJ.

The OP works with the girl, and sounds like he has for a while. I’m gonna give him the benefit of the doubt that he’s more familiar with whether she deserves pitting or not. Sounds to me as if she does.