I saw our commercial

A few months ago we shot footage for a commercial for the campaign to add fluoride to Bellingham’s water. I’ve just seen the commercial on TV. :slight_smile:

They used our images, but not the interviews. Instead, they had a voiceover when they showed some of the images and the graphics they added. The interviews popped up one by one as sort of ‘thumbnails’ on the screen and arranged themselves into a matrix of about a dozen moving images. Maybe they’ll have another version where they show the interviews? I saw an earlier, simpler commercial that did not use the stuff we shot. Now that Election Day is getting closer, this commercial is being shown. Its images and editing are better than the first one I saw. I’m hoping they are making the commercials better and better as Election Day approaches, and that they’ll use the other images and audio that we shot.

And I hope Bellingham gets its fluoride. I’ve used it all my life, and my teeth are pretty good. (Not being in the city though, I won’t get fluoridated water if the measure passes.)

An ad for water fluoridation?

So, was it paid for by the Freemasons directly, or did they have to funnel the cash through the Bavarian Illuminati this time?


No cash was needed – the Bavarian Illuminator were able to use the Fiendish Flouridators to attack to control Madison Avenue with the aid of 2 transferred power from the Orbital Mind Control Lasers.

(If you love this sort of stuff, you really should look into finding the old Steve Jackson game Illuminati, which I played all the time back in High School… Much better than the later “collectible card game” version.)

I thought it was the Russkies that were trying to infiltrate our precious bodily fluids.