Just now in the BBQ Pit, of all places:
Crappy Poetry in NYC Subways
Jesse Jackson, You Skank-Ass Pimp
Evanston, Illinois: Eat Me
Fat People Unite
Why Was This Thread Closed?
40 Million Booties
Just now in the BBQ Pit, of all places:
Crappy Poetry in NYC Subways
Jesse Jackson, You Skank-Ass Pimp
Evanston, Illinois: Eat Me
Fat People Unite
Why Was This Thread Closed?
40 Million Booties
How can you tell if there’s sparks?
My roommates’s in the hospital.
Botched romance.
So, I was grocery shopping when…
I made my first BBQ pit response…
Kwestion about kumquats and kiwis
Another 2 minute mystery
Meet the Un-Touchable, Un-Killable, Ms. Una Persson!
Can she change?
Ultimate Rochambo Fighter Arena
Botched Romance
It’s the simple things, I’m telling ya…
The Jell-O Thread
Inaugural Celebrations - what did you do?
I made my first BBQ pit response…
Shayna and tatertot!
Wait, don’t I know you people?
Another 2 minute mystery
My Identity Crisis or Everybody’s Doing It
Can she change?
Mail Order Hubbys
Botched Romance
“I Spit On Your Sequential Thread Titles”
And so it begins…
How can you tell if there’s sparks?
My roommate’s in the hospital.
Waddaya do and waddya earn for it?
“I Spit On Your Sequential Thread Titles”
Things you can’t believe you ate as a kid.
Krispy Kremes — no big deal!
PG&E customers: what power block are you in?
People don’t nickle-and-dime any more, do they?
Oh no! If the screenwriters strike, who’ll write the sequel to Dude Where’s My Car?
LOL! Finagle, we seem to have had the same idea on one of these; I didn’t plagiarize, honest!
Kosher and exotic meats
Scarf and Barf
Wait, don’t I know you people?
I don’t even know why I wake up Saturdays.
[Hysterical female adolescent screaming]O TOWN! O TOWN! O TOWN!
I made my first BBQ Pit response today…
F@ck Valentine’s Day!!
Does sperm die when it makes contact with air?
Any longterm effects after childbirth?
(That one’s kind of weird but they seem to go together.)
The most unusual sex proposition you’ve ever received?
Does sperm die when it makes contact with air?
The most unusual sex proposition you’ve ever received?
Get a Web Site designed by Spider Woman!!
Shayna and tatertot!
Botched Romance
“I have GOT to get laid, dammit!”
“Where are you Cecil Adams?”
Praying for a miracle, are we?
How can you tell if there’s sparks?
Babysitter Application
And so it begins…
[hysterical female adolescent screaming]O-Town! O-Town! O-Town!
So, I was grocery shopping when…
“I Spit On Your Sequential Thread Titles”
Nice little URL
“I Spit On Your Sequential Thread Titles”
Who played Howard (Richie’s Dad) Cunningham?
Shayna and Tatertot!
“I Spit On Your Sequential Thread Titles”
And so it begins…
LaurAnge puts her foot down and demands attention
[reading from the Official Sequential Thread Titles Rulebook, 14th edition]
Chap. 14, section E-12: “All sequential thread titles must actually have been spotted by the postee just before adding to the thread in question. Postee must not rearrange thread titles either in his or her own imagination, nor may he or she bump up a post in order to encourage a more humorous sequence on the Board.”
From GQ:
Where did they put my beer?
Bladder control (men only please)
Songs that begin with: And
And so it begins . . .
“I Spit On Your Sequential Thread Titles”
Congratulate Me!
The most unusual “sex proposition” you’ve ever received?
His Wife is on the Web au natural!! (nude)
And so it begins…
LaurAnge puts her foot down and demands attention
I have GOT to get laid, dammit!
I spotted a good sequence but Beadalin beat me to it.
In consolation I think that just about anything that precedes “I have GOT to get laid, dammit!” is going to make the list.
I Have Shaved or Smooth as a Rhino’s Rump
For wyldelf…
The Stupidest Thing I ever Did
4000 Posts.
You’re in France and they’re serving you brains. Now what?
Austin Dopers, it’s our turn
Where are you Cecil Adams?
Botched Romance
Botched Romance
Congratulate Me!