I think I've found him

I’m pretty sure I’ve found him; by him I’m referring to long-lost Doper @Master_Wang-Ka, author of what is the best non-OP on this board. (The best OP post would, of course, be @Scylla’s The Horror of Blimps)

The best non-OP would have to be how to permanently stop the JWs from coming to your house early on a weekend morning after you’ve been up all night gaming. In case you’ve forgotten in the 20 (!) years since that post, it’s to chase them down the street in your underwear while wielding a (broad)sword

It looks like he’s alive & (maybe no so) well & living in Belgium. Surely it’s not possible, out of the 7+ billion people in the world, that there are two separate people who grab a sword at the end of a night of playing board games?

…Belgium? Seriously?

In all seriousness, at first glance, it looks like something I’d do. But in my case, I wasn’t mad at the people I’d been playing games with. I was mad at the dratted Jehovah’s Witnesses for waking me up much too early on a Saturday morning for the umpteenth time.

Picking up a sword just because you lost at Monopoly? Pfffft.

From the linked article:

staples Master_Wang-Ka to the board so he can never go away n’more

Watch your mouths, both of you! Even on a board as open as this, there are still some words we don’t allow.

Yeah, I was about to flag that completely gratuitous use
of the B-word.

Damn. I thought this was going to be about Waldo.
