I would have cleaned the bathroom, but the clothes I wear to do that chore are in the wash.
By the time they’re out and dry, it will be too late.
Wish I’d thought of that before I started the load.
Guess I’ll have to find something else not to do.
Good news, everyone! I’ve watched two episodes of “Futurama” and an episode of SNL from 1975! Today was not a total waste after all.
I see, however, the laundry basket is now uninhabited so I guess I’ll have clean underwear for tomorrow after all. Too bad about the bed - still has one cat on it.
Oh, and the obligatory cat pictures to prove cats were on the bed:
You’ve just got to refocus your goals. Put “walking through other people’s houses” and “watching a movie” on your to-do list and you’ll find you’re a lot more motivated to get things done.
I also have trouble with getting anything done on Sundays. Because I knew I wouldn’t get anything done today, I stayed up till 1:00 am last night doing laundry, cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming, sweeping and moping the floors and steam cleaning everything in sight with my new hand-held steam cleaner.
Today all I had to do was go get groceries. When I was out I bought one of those home dry-clean kits and washed my duvet.
When even prescribed amphetamines can’t get you motivated and you still don’t leave the house for days at a time, even to walk 100ft to get your mail, get back to me.
People think procrastination is so hip and glamorous. It’s not. So often I want to see a movie and the next time I notice, it’s on tv. Sometimes they’re even *good *movies.
{first paragraph is true, second, less so. That’s why I’m not writing a third}
Didn’t mean to be a downer on the last post. It’s true but the intent was to make fun of myself. I keep forgetting that self-flagellation isn’t what one would normally term “entertainment.”
Made a big traditional Sunday lunch: roast, potatoes, biscuits. And…nothing else. I loafed the rest of the day and played games on my iphone with my kids, because…they wanted me to. All their faults, I tell you!
Worked late Sat evening, which I’m getting too old for, couldn’t sleep. Stayed up too late. Hubby worked 12 hrs Sun while the dog and I had a snoozefest after his walk. Late dinner, fell asleep watching Hugo. Watching the ending is on my Mon ‘to do’ list. We’ll see.
It’s past noon and I’ve accomplished little so far. I have major dental surgery looming on Wednesday, so my goal, for today, is to stay busy enough, not to think of it much. I could vacuum the house. Or, maybe bake some cinnamon rolls. I’m definitely making a large roast beef for dinner, (so there will be lots of left overs for when I’m out of commission, as it were.)
Gee, that sounds like too much. I’ll walk the dog and think about it!
I hosted my GF’s nephew who came into town before starting his new job on Monday. Made him dinner Friday night.
Saturday the GF and I went out to a friend’s storage locker and picked up a dining room table, then to Home Depot to get new shelves for the basement and a new set of free-standing shelves, then home to build the shelves, move all the gear into their new homes, clean the upstairs gear closet and transfer most to the basement, rearrange the hallway, go for a 4 mile run, and take the nephew out to dinner.
Sunday was assemble the new table, disassemble the old one, move all the plants into the living room, empty the hutch, slide it 2 feet to the right, and refill it with the right stuff, not all the crap that was in there. Put all the extra stuff in the Goodwill pile and load it into the car. Turn the big rug 90 degrees. Go to Home Depot to return one extra set of shelves and a ceiling lamp that was too small and pick up a new lamp plus lots more hooks for the basement. Return the packing materials and a box to friends’ storage locker, grocery shopping for the week, and unload it all at home. Rearrange study so both GF and I can use the desk at the same time. Go for a 6 mile run. Cook dinner. Watch TV and hit the sack.
I want to do useful things every day. Mostly I end up running after, and cleaning up after, my nearly-one-year-old daughter.
On Saturday I told her dad that she was 100% his for the whole day–diapers, meals, naps. I vacuumed and Swiffer mopped all of the floors, went to Lowes, cooked two meals and made blueberry muffins. I felt so… alive!