What have YOU done today?

I proudly announce that I have now either deleted or “Marked As Read” all 29,333 unread emails in my inbox.
I’m sorry if you did not get a Reply from me regarding your 2001 email.

I have finally done something productive today! I was going to mop the kitchen floor next, but I’m too exhausted. :smiley:

So far for me just coffee and sex.

I’m working today. So far I’ve figured some cross-section stationing.

I’m at work.

And being exceptionally productive.:stuck_out_tongue:

I haven’t done anything today, except make a shopping list.

I’m about to take a shower, get dressed, go to the market, and then attempt my first cassoulet.

I’ve been working on case studies to prepare for a killer test on Monday. As I finish each one, I allow myself to come back to the Dope for a bit.

Also got dinner made (well, it’s in the Crock-Pot - pot “roast”) and the little one up and ready to go to the Apple Festival with her dad, who just came to pick her up. She’s now his for the weekend to allow me more time to study.

Not too bad for before noon on a Saturday!

  • eggs.

Dang! My day pales in comparison.
Trade you places, I’ll even forgo the coffee. :smiley:

Oh crap, now I feel guilty as heck for not mopping the kitchen floor yet.

Only because you haven’t seen *my *kitchen floor!

My excuse: I can’t find the bucket. But I suspect it’s going to come with the next load of Stuff From Storage that my partner and son just went to get. So I’ll need another excuse when they’re back in an hour. How much can I milk this studying excuse? :smiley:

Working* huh?

*OK I have a dirty mind…:smiley:

I nursed the baby, made breakfast for the kids, cleaned up the kitchen, made a grocery list, went grocery shopping (with husband and kids), put away the groceries, went to the bookstore and Target (by myself! whee!), came home and gave the kids lunch, played with them for a bit and put the baby down for his nap.

Goodness. Now I need a nap, just reading all that! Good job, you!

If you help me with my excuse for not doing laundry today, I’ll help you with your excuses.
Hehe, evil minds think alike…:slight_smile:

Got up, did a load of laundry, took my son to his football game (and brought the oranges for halftime), got home, bathed both kids & fed them lunch. Now I’m going to do nothing for the rest of the weekend. They’re on their own.

I emptied all the garbage cans in the house and am vegging on the couch watching shows I dvred during the week. My life is full and rich…

Caught up with an old friend that I have not seen in too many years. We talk every few months. Made plans to see him in November when I pit crew my wife’s next IronMan. My old high school friend’s new house is on the way. Road trip.

Talked to my Mom and firmed up plans for a birthday get together in December for the cousins and me. All the birthdays are within a week of each other.

I’ve been on the phone all morning. It’s recharging. Now I need to call my Dad and see how he is doing and let him know about the birthday party mentioned above.

Then, it’s dog wash time. Gonna give our girls a bath. Neither of them will like it much, but Kricket found a dead deer behind the house yesterday and did what dogs do.

Hmm, I started on my long, long email backlog last night but gave up on it. Maybe you will inspire me to new heights, Cabin_Fever!

Today I went to the shopping center and bought some lovely teas (Bigelow’s Cinnamon Stick and Green Tea Chai) as well as the slightly more utilitarian purchase of laundry detergent and dryer sheets. I also consoled a friend through some awkward relationship issues and am now feeling like a decent human being, hooray!

Sold some stuff, made some stuff, posted a few things. Remembered to take my vitamins. That doesn’t happen every day!

Coffee, mowing, shower, dishes, lunch. Going to an art fair later with friends.