I Won't be Watching The Super Bowl

This Russian would like to say that she’s quite happy in America and will also not be watching the super bowl, because football is silly.

Speaking of which, this used to be a great day to go see a movie. However, in recent years, that secret has gotten out and movie theaters are actually pretty full with people who thought they would be sitting in the theater alone.

I am not a sports fan so I wont be watching either. I’ll probably be working on the homework that keeps getting pushed aside as my house stages its latest coup attempt (I think I’m winning).

No. I TiVo it, and then fastfoward through the game to get to the Superbowl ads. :smiley: I really don’t like sports on TV, though I’m not anti-sports.

I never watch it, or any sports, unless it is an Olympic year. I make money from sports though, as I do tech for a sports bar, installing and servicing all their TVs, projectors, satellite systems, computers and security systems. As long as it is tuned in and looks good, that’s as deep as my interest goes.

That said, I learned some things about the Packers that made me respect them, that they are non-profit and community-owned. I have no use for football, but that is indeed cool.

It was totally a joke, based mostly on this picture: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.greanvillepost.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/moran-sign.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.greanvillepost.com/%3Fp%3D7859&h=430&w=337&sz=18&tbnid=qLHxmQNiFXtOMM:&tbnh=254&tbnw=199&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmoran%2Bimage&zoom=1&q=moran+image&hl=en&usg=__yIUa6QO2zzQVP3KriIQk5r1CHDQ=&sa=X&ei=P7ROTe-kOMP68Aa0ueHCDg&ved=0CBYQ9QEwAQ

Nope. I always catch the highlight reel and the score so I’m in the know, but I don’t watch the game. Football is fun to play, but boring as all hell to watch. Besides, I have a Greek temple to Poseiden to build in the garden center I work at. I’m secretly trying to incorporate as much stealth Cthulhu images as a I can. That should keep me busy for the day.

My husband will probably watch. I may sit with him and knit and watch the commercials. Just not into televised sports… or sports in person…

That sounds like a good subject for a picture thread…

I never watch sports on TV. I don’t mind playing football but watching sports to me, is always boring. But then again, I like Mama’s Family and I could watch a non-stop marathon of that. :slight_smile:

Puppy Bowl watcher here.

Me neither! Yet come monday morning, I guarantee that at one point during the day I will say “Yeah and that fourth quarter turnover was unbelievable!”

I have said that every time I get asked about a football game, and people never, ever, question it.

I think my wife is timing the birth of our child to coincide with kickoff. My mother-in-law’s spinach dip is baking in my oven right now and the garlicky goodness is torturing me, as I know I’ll probably be at the hospital while everyone else is watching football, drinking massive amounts of beer, eating hot dogs, pulled pork, cheesy potatoes, and the aforementioned spinach dip.

So, no, I probably won’t be watching it this year. But I guess that’s okay cuz I think I’m going to have a new daughter in a few hours. :slight_smile:

Lots of people don’t watch. I don’t watch golf or baseball. I will have the game on, and look up once in a while, but I will also read, be on the Internet, grade papers, and clean a little. I love football, but there shouldn’t be football in February.

Congratulations! Just so long as you don’t name her for either of the teams.

I won’t be watching but not by choice. I blame United Airlines and the little bit of snow that Chicago got today. Stupid flurries and poor customer service!

I have never watched the Superbowl before, but since I just moved to Pittsburgh I feel like it’s some kind of rite of passage or something. I’m going to a local bar with friends who are equally uninterested in sports, so we can talk during the boring bits (e.g. most of it) or leave if it’s too unbearable.

Not a sports guy, so I’ll be watching something else.

My wife, on the other hand, will be glued to the set.

The post-game update: heh, so I ended up watching the first half of the game, then wandered off to the kitchen to make rice pudding :D. Kinda figured that would happen.

I’m rather sad that I missed the Puppy Bowl, though. :frowning:

It’s running repeats all night.