I would just like to say that Metallica kicks ass

I just picked up their new “S&M” CD. And all I have to say is…


It fuckin rocks!
That is all.

To the OP: they did at one time… a long, long, very long time ago.

Oh get off your pedestal you pedantic dolt.

They still rock.

I couldn’t agree more. Metallica is different now, but they rock just as much as they did before, just differently.

So screw you guys, they still rock. :slight_smile:

Right on!

::runs off somewhere to find something flammable::

Back in 1989 and previous they kicked ass… now… they just semi-rock… fucking wankers! …and napster is sending them to the poor house…

…they would have done everything in their power to even BE on napster and be heard back in 84 had it existed.
can you say FUCKING SELL OUT? Yes you can. I think you can!

This is from the fucking number one Metallica fan of all times.

Fan since '84… Ride the lightning… 2 years after kill em all… late bloomer, what can I say.

BTW 28 years old. Maybe thats the problem… I knew them when they were REALLY good.
Feh! Bitch.


Hey, someone should explain to NRA member James Hetfield that “Napster doesn’t steal music; people steal music.”

Maybe you guys can help me… I heard this thrashy, death metal band on the radio once. The vocals were mostly this really low octave growly stuff, interspersed with nut-squeezing screaming stuff. Sound familiar?


Master of Puppets is still my favourite of all their albums. I lost interest with that Bob Rock produced one… you know, the one with “Enter Sandman.” I mean, come on… Bob Rock?

First… OMG, St. Atilla, that was the funnies thing I’ve read today.

Second… Whammo… you’re not a real metallica fan… cause metallica said that their real fans like all of their songs. And Metallica should know their fans better than the fans.
And yes, they only semi rock now.

Amen, St. Atilla
To the band that would never make a video! We’ll never sell out! well… maybe just one… well, maybe we’ll cash in a little…
No they have thier hands out. Wow.

Master was their last true record.

I would like to go to one of their concerts and stand with my back to the band and flip them off.

::spell check, spell check::

I have only one word for Metallicrap…<ahem> Metallica.
Sorry, maybe this should be in the pit, but IMHO, they’re awful.

I think AJFA was their last ‘true’ record. It still had the same style as the earlier ones, though it was much heavier and had weaker bass (Newstead just duped the rhythm guitar parts, unlike Burton). I hate their new stuff - the playing is still good on a lot of the songs, the actual music is good for pop-metal (though I don’t care for that genre), but their lyrics have gotten so corny. I cringe when I hear ‘Of Wolf and Man’, even though that’s one of the heaviest and most ‘thrashish’ songs on the Black Album.

Have any of you ever heard of bands like Overkill, Armored Saint, or Testament? Not lately I’ll bet. Why? Because they didn’t change with the times like Metallica. The guys in Metallica are not 19 yr. old living on “bologna on hand” anymore. They aren’t as hungry and anti-establishment as they were. They are in their mid thirties, and have made the establishment come to them. The S&M album is freaking incredible, but a band like Anthrax just wouldn’t be able to do it. One thing Metallica does is ROCK. I saw them for the 1st time in about 10 yrs. this past summer, and they were incredible. Maybe if some of these newer “metal” bands could put on a show like this, I would have a little more respect for them.

See, complaining about Metallica and how much “they suck now!” is like complaining about how cars suck more now, cause their not large gas guzzling v-8 monsters anymore.
Get out of the 80’s. Metallica did.

Why do guys make a band?

chics and money… they now have all of both that they need… so they can experiment.

Get off.

and loose the hairspray guys, it’s not cool anymore…

Gots to agree with Tristan and blur here. You guys remind me of all the dorks who got rid of their Red Hot Chilly Peppers CDs when they started experimenting with their style. Metallica kicked ass back then and they continue to kick ass now. I’d agree that their music is probably a bit more mainstream, but that doesn’t automatically make them suck.

Besides, how many metal bands could, given the opportunity, actually play with a symphony orchestra and pull it off?

Metallica sold out…Every venue no matter where it is. Granted I don’t like the new stuff compared to songs like Creeping Death, The Thing That Should Not Be, Whiplash, but hell if they wanted to fart the ABC’s and call it a record you don’t have to buy it. Cut them a little slack because they damn sure earned it. I actually still pick up all of Metallica’s stuff because quite frankly they still have it. Any band can write a blast riff and some garbled lyrics (Cannibal Corpse i’m looking in your direction) but to instill raw power and true horror takes a little something more. If you hear One, Welcome Home (Sanitarium), Fade to Black, and it doesn’t give you goosebumps…well I feel sorry for you!

Ehhh Metallica blows that is all there is to it. Once upon a time they were good. Like everyone else said back in the day before they “wussified” their music they were pretty cool shit. Now it’s all about them making their money and pissing off Napster. That is why I gave up on them a long time ago with the Black Album. I’ll always consider that album one of the biggest sell outs of all time.

Um, didn’t Guns N’ Roses do that a LONG time ago? Remember November Rain?

Besides, they suck shit now. If it’s metal backed with lush strings, voices, etc, you should listen to Cradle of Filth. Their songs run circles around metallishit, even in thier good days. So there. :wally


S&M was not very impressive. For years I always thought that it would be great to hear a symphony play Metallica’s music. Despite the change in my opinion of Metallica, when they broadcast S&M, I watched it. Thoroughly disappointed. The orchestra very rarely actually played the melody of the songs, just filler sounds, occasional blats from the horn section, and it usually didn’t even sound like it was in the same key. Metallica’s playing was also pretty bad, for them. When they did ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’ they (in my opinion) seriously screwed up two parts. One was the repeating E-G-F#-F-E riff towards the beginning. It’s a very simple riff (actually, the whole song is easy to play), but what made it sound cool was the way the guitar and bass was slightly behind the beat and the way the E was accented. It gave it a kind of rolling feel. On the S&M special, they didn’t, made it a very boring and dead feeling riff. The other thing that was messed up was the chorus riff, E-E-E-G-E-E-E-A-E-E-E-G-A#-F#. The higher chords on the album were held on to for just a bit longer than a quarter note, and the Es weren’t just straight 8th notes, the second two of each three were just a bit shorter, to make up for the long Gs and As. None of that rhythmic subtlety was present when they played it live, though I do admit I have seen them screw up that part live before they sold out.

BTW, I don’t dislike Metallica’s newer music just because they changed styles. I dislike it because I don’t like the new style, and I never have liked that particular style of metal. If they had shifted towards being an Industrial band (as they said they were considering in an interview I read in 1990), I probably still would like them. They didn’t need to change so much to remain popular, either, as Megadeth continued to sell a lot of albums while hanging on to the thrash style longer.

Yeah, I’d like to say that too but the fact is they don’t. They have a song or two off of each CD that kicks ass but overall? NO, they don’t. Yeah, it hurts but they don’t really kick solid CD ass like some other bands… I know, it’s MPSIMS and I should agree with you for forum but I don’t… so… just hunt me down and shoot me or something!
