I tell you what. I think that Metallica should fire drummer and punk ass Lars Ulrich. Now some people have told me that Lars is too valuable to the band and what not, but I disagree. Lars can be replaced! A drummer is a dime a dozen. Lars is causing Metallica to lose fans so they should get rid of him. He is such a dick it drives me crazy!
How is he causing them to lose fans? because people are upset he’s opposed to Napster? So what? Are you really telling me it’s going to hurt their sales, and that less people are going to show up for their concerts? I really doubt that’s the case.
I’m not sure if James Hetfield is going to go up to his close friend of multiple decades and say, “Sorry, man, you’re cutting into my bottom line, so vamoose!”
CJValant, where did you read that the other band members disagree with him? Are they not a united front?
I’ve always found Lars to be a whinny little turtle turd.
If my previous thinking about him was bad, it’s gotten even worse for me after seeing his little skit on the MTV Music awards.
How much more pissing and moaning are you capable of?
From the way I understand it, the whole band is against Napster. Lars is just the “spokesperson”. I still think he’s a whiny asshole because of his “It’s not about the money” speech. Oh well.
I didn’t know that the whole band was against Napster. In fact I hate Metallica but my brother loves them. I just would love to see Lars out of Metallica.
Why not? That’s basicly what Metallica is saying to their fans.
And yes, that MTV Awards shit-- oops, i mean skit-- made me want to put a bullet between that stupid cocky smile of his.
I just wish they’d make a good album for the first time in over a decade…
Yer pal,
Satan - Commissioner, The Teeming Minions
Five months, three days, 20 hours, 35 minutes and 44 seconds.
6274 cigarettes not smoked, saving $784.29.
Extra life with Drain Bead: 3 weeks, 18 hours, 50 minutes.
*“I’m a big Genesis fan.”-David B. (Amen, brother!) **
Satan I so agree . They should have hung up their power chords after Master of Puppets , well ok some of Justice for All was alright .
I’ve seen an interview with J.Hetfield where he says that if the J.H. from ten years ago could meet himself now he’d most likely punch himself . Beats a blowjob
I thought Justice was a fine album. It just seems like they blew their wad on that one, and have been in Dokken territory ever since.
And as for Lars, no way would they kick him out. It’s basically his and Hetfield’s band.
While this certainly does not apply to all drummers (Hi Neil!), it is certainly valid for Lars “Just ram hard, they won’t be able to tell my lack of technique” Ulrich.
Amen to that.
Caring about the now-irrelevent, lame and completely sold-out Metallica and what they say or think is like marching around the White House tomorrow to protest what a bad president Nixon was.
Do you really think there new stuff is that bad especially the “black” album. I mean they are in the business of making music annnnd money aren’t they? You don’t think they are just adapting to the times? They need radio airplay to sell records and if they kept putting out just pounding metal I am not sure they would get the air play now would they?
Yea, Iron maiden are purest from the metal era but do they make the bucks metallica does? I don’t think so.
I mean we learned from the marines didn’t we adapt or die. Seems like it applies to rock and roll.
I think the whipped band is Rush. There music might sell but it sucks and doesn’t rock at all. At least metallica still rocks(not as hard but still they rock)
And you thought you’d get slammed for your Metallica comments??
Yea, I have mentioned this at other times and have got slammed big time. You know some people take their rock seriously. I don’t know why it is just music to me.
I gotta defend Metallica’s musical choices in the past decade. While I was initially turned off by the Black Album, over the decade it warmed to me. Then, Load came and it was overload, since it was simply too long an album for me to get into. But, Reload works for me. There’s some great shit on there, man.
And, WB, get the hell away from Rush. Thank you.
*Originally posted by Montfort *
See what I mean cold fire?
The reason I picked on rush is because I love them in highschool years but never got to see them then. So a few years ago they came to san antonio and didn’t one song off 2112 and they didn’t even play working man. I was mad I mean mad. I really don’t thing they rock like they use too. I mean they went from jamming to playing wimpy wimpy songs I can’t even think of the name of one of there wimpier ones now but it is the one about somebody that was picked on because of a disease or something. IT BLEW! Oh yea, now I remember nobody’s hero that song bit.
I think they should let Cliff rejoin the band. I know he’s dead and all, but it can’t be any worse than the stuff they’re putting out now. I’d rather listen to a midi file of “To Live is to Die” than that crap from the MI2 soundtrack.