ID this 1990s kids PC game

I have vague memories of a game I played when I was under 10 in the mid to late '90s.

It took place in a castle (?) and there was this big evil white rat (king?). Several levels had you placing the correct food on a table (I distinctly remember devil’s food cake and something in a goblet).

That is all I can remember. Nothing about the playable character or anything about the plot. I do remember liking it so much I named my obese white lab reject rat the name of the big white rat from the game

I have no idea, but what was the rats name? Something you could google?

Sounds kind of a lot like the Fantasy Game as described in Ender’s Game. Elements in common: Castle, Giant, Table of food, Goblet, Rat

Did you play this game on an orbiting military training platform? :wink: