ID this cartoon?

Early 1980’s cartoon about a group of dogs that solves mysteries. I remember one of the dogs was thin and grey and sort of a wuss. They didn’t look super-cartoony - kind of a Filmation quality to it. I don’t think this was around for more than a year or two.

I know this isn’t much to go on, but does anybody have any ideas?

I think I know what your talking about. I don’t remember the name of the show either, but it had a puppy (Beagle, I think) searching for his lost boy, a St. Bernard with a texas accent, a cowardly greyhound, and a wise German Shepard who gave good advice.

Is that the show?

This site,, might have the information you’re looking for. The link is to a page with all the 80s cartoons listings.

At first I thought it was Pound Puppies, The Biskitts or The Puppy’s Further Adventures but the plots don’t totally mesh with what you’ve described.

Good luck! There’s this animated superhero/apocolypse short that ran on HBO in the early 80s I’ve been dying to remember the title of, too, without success.

It began with the “birth” of all these strange superhero-ish characters, who fought each other, and at the end of the cartoon the final three stood waiting for nuclear explosion to wipe them out. It was only 3- 6 minutes long, had no dialogue, just a lot of animated action against a really rock soundtrack. Anybody with a clue please let me know.

FOX had “Spy Dogs”. (No link, too lazy) Bunch of dogs saving the World. Secret lair under the doghouse (I think). I don’t think it was early 80’s, though. More late 80’s. Around “Sam and Max: Freelance Police” time.

Ment to “preview” not “submit”, sorry.
The “Sam and Max” era would put it early-to-mid-90’s wouldn’t it?

To make amends for the bad post, I looked up “Spy Dogs”.
How about The Secret Files of the Spy Dogs!?

Yes, enolancooper, that’s it!!! At least I know I’m not imagining it. Now to find out the title…

Askia K. Hale, I think “The Puppy’s Further Adventures” may just be it. No wonder I didn’t remember a name like that.