Identify a German Pop Song

Ok, I’ve seen a couple of impressive identifications in here with only minimal information.

Let’s see if we can identify a possible German pop song.

In 2003, I was driving from Munich, Germany to Salzburg, Austria in a rental car listening to a German radio station. Somewhere in Bavaria a really funky song comes on the radio, and I’d really like to hear it again, but I’ve never been able to find it.

Here is what I can remember:

The song was about Hawaii, and the chorus was, “I’m on the beach in Waikiki” (Googling in German doesn’t get me anything useful)

It was sung entirely in English, but I’m quite certain it was a German singing it, he was really hamming up an American cowboy accent. It was an amusing song, but still kind of cool. Think of a German dude trying to sound like Elvis Presley, but not really caring if he got it right.

Actually, I was half convinced it was a cover of Elvis Presley song from one of those crappy movies he did, but I haven’t been able to find anything like it.

It had a very loud slide guitar in it that was a not quite right approximation of that Hawaiian saw-blade sound. It had a very funky thumping drum beat and sound effects that simulated crashing waves.

In the US it would have been considered a novelty song, I have no idea how popular it was in Germany.

I’ll give one free internet point to whomever nails it. :slight_smile:

I know nothing about this, but I do have relatively strong Google skills. I’m guessing it is something by the Waikiki Beach Bombers.

“On the Beach at Waikiki” is a popular Hawaiian song with lots of covers…

One free internet for you!

The song was, We Bomb the Beach, not as good as I remember, but I still like music like that.

Thanks for answering an 11 year old mystery. :slight_smile: