Identify films from these vague scene descriptions

Growing up in the late 60’s and 70’s in the Portland, Oregon TV broadcast area, a local station played many varied films during their “Brunch Theater” presentations. A few scenes stand out for me all these years later, but I’m unsure of the films from where they likely originated from. Please identify from the following:

1: A stereotypical Indian boy (turban, loincloth, blackface) is climbing up inside a giant statue, he passes through lots of cobwebs, possibly fighting spiders, on his upward journey.

2: A man examines a wet-clay bust of a woman, he reaches out, pushes up the eyelid on the face to reveal a dead head under the clay when the eyeball is uncovered, there is a closeup of the raised eyelid.

3: A woman, standing upright, is lowered inside a windowed and lighted chamber out of sight - some kind of torture contraption? - and raised back up again. Mad doctor-type person is using a control panel at the front of the device. Lady could have been taken after being picked up from a bus/train station earlier in the film.

OK… go!

#2 (and possibly #3 as well) sounds like “Mill of the Stone Women”

#1 is Sabu in Thief of Baghdad. He is climbing up the inside of the holy statue to steal the magic giant jewel in the forehead (“the all-seeing eye!”), with which he can see what has happened to his friend, the deposed king(? or prince?) of Baghdad. Here are a few stills from that sequence, although I couldn’t find any with the spider or webs.

(Not sure what you mean by blackface, I mean what we see is pretty much his natural coloring.)

Thief of Baghdad spiderweb scene. Pic 1 Pic 2

Not the right movie yet similar themes, the ones I remember were likely from American-made films. I think the bust scene had the man walking into a studio-like room with the statue on a table.

Likely the studio added extra body makeup to enhance the actor’s ethnicity.

I suspect that that scene inspired the cover art for the original AD&D Player’s Handbook.

Might be Roger Corman’s, “A Bucket of Blood,” though I don’t remember that exact scene.