Sorry for the blatant tech support request, but the guy at my ISP didn’t have a clue, and as you may know, Microsoft charges for Tech support.
At certain pages, and not just some, a lot, when I load the page I get all the text and most of the formatting, but I lack a lot of the pictures, buttons, javascripts, and what have you. Anythoughts?
This happened to me. Try going to Tools->Internet Options->Advanced. Find “Show image download placeholders”. Try toggling it (This was an a previous computer and I don’t remember now if I checked it or unchecked it).
I’ve started getting the error page when the site should be working fine. Often, I’ll enter in and it will go to for some reason.
I just restarted and that seems to have gained me a little bit of sanity, but it feels like the www is breaking down.
Could this be a …gulp… virus?
I don’t know who to turn to… my ISP says I’m fine. I don’t know what to do.
Actually, that’s starting to sound more like your ISP. I’m a little bit suspicious that the tech support guy at the ISP couldn’t even suggest that you check the IE browser options (as Baraqiyal suggested). It could be a problem on their end, or it could be something in your dial-up setup.
I’ve used IE for over 3 years with no problems–don’t give up on it just yet!
I think that the misdirections are happening in a lot of ISPs lately. Probably it has to do with some change in protocol after the masive DOS attacks earlier this year. Sometimes I jump to a website different than the one I typed, ususally a website I visited previously.
I got Hypertrace from analogx. When I get misdirected, I use Hypertrace to see if my target url is alive. Then when I refresh my browser, the browser gets the message and it goes to the site I wanted.