IE5 not DLing pictures

Sorry for the blatant tech support request, but the guy at my ISP didn’t have a clue, and as you may know, Microsoft charges for Tech support.

At certain pages, and not just some, a lot, when I load the page I get all the text and most of the formatting, but I lack a lot of the pictures, buttons, javascripts, and what have you. Anythoughts?

This happened to me. Try going to Tools->Internet Options->Advanced. Find “Show image download placeholders”. Try toggling it (This was an a previous computer and I don’t remember now if I checked it or unchecked it).

Yep, it does that. Try waiting for the page to complete loading.

I have waited until the [age loads and I have refreshed several times.

Some sites, if I right click and select “Show Picture” it will come up, but others no.

I restored all of the advanced internet options to the default.

Any thoughts? Please help!!

Just the usualy rory, get Netscape too, its free, use them both, I do, often at the same time.

It could be the web site too. Many sites just are not coded correctly, or are missing files.

I’ve started getting the error page when the site should be working fine. Often, I’ll enter in and it will go to for some reason.

I just restarted and that seems to have gained me a little bit of sanity, but it feels like the www is breaking down.

Could this be a …gulp… virus?

I don’t know who to turn to… my ISP says I’m fine. I don’t know what to do.

Actually, that’s starting to sound more like your ISP. I’m a little bit suspicious that the tech support guy at the ISP couldn’t even suggest that you check the IE browser options (as Baraqiyal suggested). It could be a problem on their end, or it could be something in your dial-up setup.

I’ve used IE for over 3 years with no problems–don’t give up on it just yet!

I think that the misdirections are happening in a lot of ISPs lately. Probably it has to do with some change in protocol after the masive DOS attacks earlier this year. Sometimes I jump to a website different than the one I typed, ususally a website I visited previously.

I got Hypertrace from analogx. When I get misdirected, I use Hypertrace to see if my target url is alive. Then when I refresh my browser, the browser gets the message and it goes to the site I wanted.