In the “Manhattan prosecutors” thread, this question:
Prompted this response:
I’d like @Happy_Lendervedder to explain what they meant by what seems to me a really stupid, flippant comment. Are you seriously saying that you couldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump and you’d not vote at all if those were your choices? That you think Hillary would be or would have been a worse president than Trump? WTF?
I’m curious about the <cough> thinking behind such a statement.
If it was a joke, then explain that, too. Please enlighten me either way.
What the actual fuck is wrong with you Thelma Lou?
I cannot when fathom what a miserable person you must be in real life if you thought this op was an acceptable way to ask me to clarify a post I made.
If you want an actual answer from me, and to have an honest discussion of it, try again. I have no problem engaging with you but I’m not looking for a fucking fight over this shit
Frankly, I’m taken aback that my OP irritated you so much. Your flippant comment in the trial thread made me furious. I actually toned down my OP from what I originally wrote. I’m not looking for a fight, but I am wondering what made you “seem” to say that you’d abstain from voting if Hillary were on the ballot against trump. I put seem in quotation marks just now because that’s what the words said, but maybe you didn’t mean that. Maybe you were just being funny or something. But if you were serious, I’d like a serious answer. Do you really think Hillary would have made a worse president than trump?
You’ve seen me on this board for long enough to see that I don’t go looking for a fight.
Are you insane? In no way, shape or form is Hillary Clinton even remotely as corrupt and dangerous as Donald Trump. He is a malignant narcissist and a seditious traitor. She is not. The “false equivalency” that the extreme right got away with in 2016 still amazes me.
Agreed, I’ve never seen any such conduct from you.
The flippant comment, assuming that’s what it was, did land badly because of the serious danger this nation is in from another Trump Presidency.
But aside from that one person’s response, it’s fair to note that there are a lot of people being surprisingly casual about the possibility of more Trump. It seems that many believe the false comfort ‘if it hasn’t happened yet then it can’t happen.’
It seems reasonable to me, particularly in the Pit, to explore why some people seem to believe that this is no big deal—and this thread makes sense as a place to do that.
Holy shit! I’m sure Trump would never promise bankers and especially not oil executives any sort of deals in exchange for their support.
ETA on the what the subject of this thread seems to be: Hilary Clinton was a fine candidate, well within the range of normal parameters. Maybe she didn’t campaign well, but she had a ton of actual experience and probably would have been an excellent president. Trump has always been a con artist and grifter.
I’ll be honest, for me it’s the serenity prayer. I can’t change what’s going to happen with Trump. I’ll cast my vote, but NJ is about as solidly Dem as anyplace these days, it won’t really change anything.
I could be filled with impotent rage, but I doubt that will make my life any better.