Maybe the solution is to go to 21 hour days and simply not have 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Central Time.
Maybe the solution is to go to 21 hour days and simply not have 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Central Time.
I hate this! Every afternoon, about this time, I find myself getting into arguements over in the Pit and GD. I think you’re right, Tom. It’s probably best just to consider this board closed for siesta and take a nap.
It’s odd. The cursor goes into waiting mode, and the page loading doodad at the bottom of the window slowly climbs to 39% and stays there. You’d think it would time out, but I went to get a beer and pretzels, and it was still waiting on 39%. Is this still a hangover from the hackervandals?
"Measure twice, cut once. Dang! Measure again, cut again.
I’ve been wondering about that 39%. What happens sometimes at other sites is that it takes a couple of minutes to get to that percent, then the “page cannot be displayed” page appears.
“No,” he replied, and smiled seraphically, as was his wont.
Now that it has been mentioned, I have noticed for a while that the loading freezes at 38%.
Here we go again.
You’d be lacking your “1%” then tomndebb,
It’s actually 38.500000000036481298632875124%, but the other machines are rounding up and mine is truncating.
Well, at least you didn’t lose a long, well crafted Topic you posted…fucking POS message board.