A whole passel of terrific ones just now in GQ:
Why Do We Wear Underwear?
Snake Killing
Who Credits the Credit Card Companies?
The Freemasons
Why Doesn’t Bush Look at the Camera?
Looking for a Word
How Do I Bend Wood?
Penis Callous
A whole passel of terrific ones just now in GQ:
Why Do We Wear Underwear?
Snake Killing
Who Credits the Credit Card Companies?
The Freemasons
Why Doesn’t Bush Look at the Camera?
Looking for a Word
How Do I Bend Wood?
Penis Callous
And now in MPSIMS:
-I met a girl at a party tonight, how do you think I handled things?
-Baby born at WalMart
-Things to do in San Antonio
-Go ahead; Creatively insult me.
-Ok, so why does my face now twitch?
-Quit smoking, maybe
What happened to Obituary Monday, already !
In the Pit;
I think december had jungle fever
Get your fresh, hot evil glurge right here!
Widdle Fuzzy Babies!
Poke The Penguin!
I cured my canker sores!
What are you doing today?
The Unofficial Straight Dope Members Picture Pages
Mullets Galore
In GD:
I wanna be a dog.
Look at what I stepped in today!
Eve, what are we going to do with you? In MPSIMS:
If It’s Tuesday, This Must Be Sequential Thread Titles - Eve
The SHORTEST Time You’ve Ever Held a Job? - Eve
Keep you. Don’t you dare log out!
The Pit:
The Masturbating Chimp.
PS - I mean jungle fever in an ‘in heat’ context there, btw.
Heh. I liked
The SHORTEST time you ever held a job?
I got a job!
childhood food surprise trauma
I have a job!!!
Today, On Martha Stewar Living…
The joy that is bath time
So… how does one handle the end of a relationship?
I’ve had it! And I’m having lipo!
I just got my didgeridoo!!! Now what do I doo?
Quit smoking, possibly
I cured my canker sores!
Now that was a DAY!!!
Hold the front page - “Hormones in semen make women happier”
Young boy surprisingly sociable despite his hairy little body.
Should I let my daughter get her navel pierced?
Man, that’s gonna turn purple…
I love these threads.
Should I let my daughter get her navel pierced??
Man, that’s going to turn purple
-I’m my high school’s GSA Pres…HELP!!
-Can I hypnotize myself?
Simulposting? Ehh, don’t love that as much.