IF McCain is elected, reactions?

Putting this in the Pit to save time because I’m sure that is where it will eventually end up…

If Senator Obama wins, as I believe he may very well do, I’ll pout a wee bit, watch for any action I am really against & contact my Rep/Sens, and generally hope for the best- and shoot the bull about it all with my friends & co-workers, just as I did when Clinton was Prez?

And I imagine a lot of Obama-supporters will react in much the same way if McCain wins.

However, there are some hear who jump on every negative thing about McCain & Palin and who have such immense loathing for Republicans, conservatives, etc., that I really wonder how they will cope with an Obama loss/McCain victory?

Now, I never considered voting for Sen. Obama. He might run the cleanest campaign in history. He may never say anything bad about McCain/Palin or their families. (He doesn’t have to, of course- the Left-blogosphere & MSM will do their part for that.) But I disagree with him on basic policy issues & that’s that. Then again, my reaction to his possible victory will basically be summed up as “Oh shit… oh well. God bless & guide him through the next four years & keep us out of trouble.” That’s because I believe he is a decent man, a good tho mistaken-about-some-things Christian & American.

BUT for those who can’t concede the same of McCain & Palin, how are they going to have a meltdown?

Same thing I’ve done the last two presidential elections. Grumble, sigh and hope things pan out. Contribute to causes I believe in. Fear for the status of civil liberties.

Obviously I’m not going to rub camel shit in my hair and slash my chest, but I think it will be absolutely terrible for America. I’ll begin preps to move to a blue state, probably in the northeast. And I’ll keep my money in cash.

I’ll give McCain a fair chance. Frankly, him being elected frightens me a bit. Then again, when Bush was elected the first time around, I was telling my liberal friends that, hey, it’s American politics, which is by nature centrist (with the center a bit to the right of the rest of the world’s center), one man can’t change the direction of the country that much. And, I’m afraid, I was quite wrong about that. Bush, in my current opinion, was a complete disaster. He has brought out a lot of what I dislike about this country.

My main problem is that Republicans do not represent my interests for the most part nor my moral values. I actually vote based mostly on social issues, since, frankly, I’m fortunate enough to be secure financially no matter whether we go to either a more socialist or laissez-faire economic position.

I also am very disturbed about the mixing of religion and politics, and this is something that is a bit more prevalent or extreme in the Republican wing of the party, yet another reason that I fear them.

But I’ll give McCain a chance. I’ll be disappointed that America passed up on this opportunity, because I think Obama would be a great face of America to show the world and would do a lot to repair our reputation abroad, but I will certainly give him a fair chance to allay my fears. Bush failed that test. I hope McCain wouldn’t.

I’ll hope that we’ll see McCain shed his newly-found towing-the-GOP-line trappings and return to being the independent man I respected for his stance on campaign finance reform.

If that happens, I’ll just be hoping he doesn’t pop a blood vessel or slip coming out of the bathtub for the next four years.

I could swear that I’d move out of the country, except I did that already.

Speaking as a Canadian…

I’ll probably just mutter “unbelievable” for a few days and then move on with my life.

It matters less to me, for obvious reasons. But I don’t think with McCain (and Obama, actually) i’ll really know whether I think it’s a good or bad thing until it actually happens. I think it could honestly go either way. So I suspect i’m pretty much in your position.

I think the reaction of those who can’t concede the same of McCain and Palin will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

If McCain wins I will become politically active. Not to counter the right but to do what I can to enhance and focus centrist leadership. It’s not the Libs and Cons that are destroying this nation, it’s the polarization that undermines trust and keeps the two from seeing the value in the other’s beliefs and working together. We appear to be on the road to splitting into two major ethinicities, and too often that works out badly in today’s world.

And it’s unnecessary. Both sides are becoming rabid and inflexible because both sides feel threatened by the other.

We all now know what **Bricker **will do.

For a few days, I, will simply enjoy watching the absolute meltdown of certain people on this board. Note to self: start a pool on who’s going to be the first nutjob on the board to hit certain tin-foil post-election talking points…

I think you’re seeing things kind of one-sided, Friar Ted.

There are plenty of Republicans who despise Obama who would grumble and move on with their lives, too. It’s just the nature of politics–much like the nature of sports–fanatical support eventually becomes complacency. We riot when our team loses but the next day we forget all about it.

Personally I will be pretty bummed if McCain wins–even more bummed now that he’s picked his running mate. McCain to me, is all right, seems like a decent man, just has his policies all screwed up (as you’ve said re: Obama.) But Palin is terrifyingly inept and pretty clearly corrupt. So I would be unhappy and probably do a lot of finger-crossing that McCain makes it through all four years of his term alive.

But the weeping and gnashing of teeth? Nah. Bush was pretty much the worst thing that could have happened in 2000. If we survived that, we’ll survive anything.

Nope. We’ll do what they did in 2004. Double down and work harder. We know this is a thirty-year fight.

Same reaction I had when Bush was reelected. I was in the minority, and I’ll just have to suck it up and deal with it.

Power to the people.

A wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Then I’ll get on with my life, with my faith in my fellow Americans just that much more diminished. It’ll be really hard for me to get motivated by a candidate again, I’m afraid.

One thing that really kind of scares me is that the Republicans- and politicians in general- will learn that there really isn’t any accountability. I’m afraid that, given Bush’s example, McCain will claim the slightest win as a “mandate”.

At the very least, I hope we have a strong Democrat representation in Congress and Senate in order to keep him under control- I think that if there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past two terms is that having one party in unfettered control of the government is a bad, bad thing.

I wish a conclusive investigation would be conducted to verify the legitimacy of the voting machines. Whatever the result, we could then properly tell the nutjobs to shut the hell up about it once and for all. What bothers me is that people calling for this investigation are ridiculed as the nutjobs and little effort is made to ensure integrity.

Anyway, back on topic. I’d probably do as Sampiro says and head for a Democratic state. I won’t leave the country, so that would be the next best thing. I’m expecting to move out of state in a couple years one way or another, so it’s not really out of my way. Other than that, I’d hope like hell I’m wrong that McCain will be a third (and god forbid, fourth) Bush term.

That’ll also be my reaction. I mean that’s what I did in 2000 and 2004.

I plan on voting for Obama, but I think McCain would be a good president. I would even be OK if things had worked out for Hillary, and she won the election. I like Obama, but I don’t think he’s anything special-- he’s a politician like the rest of teh bunch. I don’t expect much to change in this country either way. Even on the issue of Iraq, it looks like we’re going to be able to get out of there at about the same pace no matter who sits in the White House.

I’ll eat pizza. (It’s a tradtion of mine on election night. I order a pizza and watch the returns.) Then the next morning, I’ll come to work, listen to my coworkers bitch some, and come on here and watch the Dope meltdown.

So basically, I won’t do anything particularly out of the ordinary.

I don’t like McCain or Obama, but I like McCain’s positions on issues better.

If Obama & “gun grab” Biden get elected I’ll go bury my guns somewhere. :\

Keep them oiled and dry, because a few months later you’ll realize that nothing has changed, and you’ll want them back.