Okay…mild rant here.
Just got back from lunch where I met my husband for a quick bite…of lunch…not him.
The waitress drove me insane. It started when she introduced herself and asked him, “What can I get you to drink, baby?” Then she asked me, “Mam, what could I get for you?”
WTF??? He is “baby”…and I’m MA’AM???
EVERY time she came by our table, which was A LOT she would begin and end her sentence with “Honey, sweetie, baby, sugar, darling” etc.
At one point she asked him, “Can I get you some more tea?” He told her yes and she proceeded with, “Is that sweet tea…I’m sure it is because you just look too sweet to drink anything else.” Giggle. Giggle.
Now I’m all about waitresses maximizing their tips…hell…I waited tables once myself. If she had a table full of guys and wanted to smile and flirt to get a better tip…more power to her.
But I found it highly offensive she did this when it was obvious we were there together.
Before I get posts back saying that I was just jealous…let me ASSURE you…not even. I am 28 and consider myself very attractive. This girl was probably in her 20’s and not that attractive. My husband was not checking her out and basically answered her questions with a polite “Yes” or “No.” He did nothing to encourage her to continue.
In fact he mentioned to me that she was highly annoying and he thought it rude of her to behave that way with his wife sitting at the table with him.
I really should have asked for the manager and told him he might want to tell his waitress to tone down the cutsie talk to men there with their wives!
After the tea incident I came really close to saying, “Well, darlin why don’t you just stick your damn finger in his tea and let some of that saccharine drip off into it and avoid having to fill the glass back up.”