If you could edit your user status, what would it say?

Cynical know-it-all. (A snooty teacher called me that once when I didn’t agree that something was an unmitigated evil.)

Either Punk Rock Girly Girl or Angelic Sexpot.

Just to mess with people who don’t think my user name is feminine enough as it is… " 3 inch sword" :smiley:

Or maybe “inane chatterer”

Resident Archangel :slight_smile:

No, I don’t have an ego…

Long long ago, lno gave out tribal names in a thread. Mine was “Gopher, though not a groundhog, is Evil Nazi Garden Wrecker.”

So my user status would be Evil Nazi Garden Wrecker.

Mostly harmless.

On another board, I’ve had “Auntie-ji” “Licensed for Nasty” and “The Voice of Mass Transit”

“Can’t talk. Eating”
“In Todd-AO”
“In DTS in selected areas”
"Who’s your daddy?’
“Knows where Jimmy Hoffa is.”
“Amelia Earhart’s love child.”

“Official Doper of the New Millennium”


Bush Man

[sub]and that in no way is to be taken in a political manner[/sub]

On two other boards, where it’s not turned off, I’m listed as:

[ul][li]Bishop/Martyr (ret.), Server (Server=Moderator there, which I am)[/li] Archbishop of Canterbuggy[/ul]

Three Words: **Atomic Sex Kitten ** :smiley:

OK, since I am not some nympho teenager…

something that sums me up:
[ul]I’m nice, dammit[/ul]

Oh easy,
" I have more posts than you"

Hard to say what I would put. Possibly ‘Lost in my mind’ or ‘Dreamer’ or something like that.

Spa King Of New Jersey


Truck-drivin’ Magic Mama


Guy Ritchie Fan Club - “The Prez”